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How to print multiple slides per page

591 bytes added, 18:07, May 15, 2019
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Printing out 500 pages of Art History slides can be a real hassle, both for making handy flashcards, and also for the people who run the printers (Each color cartridge does cost upwards of $200!) Here are some relatively painless ways to print out multiple slides per page that don’t involve laboring over an unwieldy Microsoft Word document.
For instructions on how to print to Williams network printers directly from your own computer, see [[How to print to network printers]] Also, see [] for a handy online study tool. You will find quizzes for each week that display the slide as well as information required on all quizzes. ===Windows Users===
# Download all of the slides you wish to print out into an empty folder on your desktop. (If you hold down ALT while clicking on the link to the picture, the file will download to your desktop. Drag all of these downloaded files to an empty folder)
# Click on the “Next” button at the bottom of the window. You should now see thumbnails of all the slides. Click on the “Select All” button (or select certain photos by ticking or un-ticking their checkboxes in the thumbnails), then the “Next” button.
# Select the printer you want to use – either your own or "lw-jesup-maindesk-color" if you want to print out in Jesup – then click “Next”
# In the “Avaliable “Available Layouts” menu, scroll down and select a layout that puts at least 3 or 4 slides on one page. Click “Next” to begin printing. '''WARNING''' Unfortunately, this method, though quick and simple, does crop some photos. Therefore bear in mind that you WILL be studying with a cropped version of the picture.
===Mac/OS X Users===
#The easiest way to print multiple slides/page on an Apple is to use the “iPhoto” application. First download the slides (Hold down ALT option while clicking on each link to automatically download the image to your desktop)
#Open up the “iPhoto” application. Go to the menu: File -> Add to Library…
#In the new window, navigate to the desktop (or to whatever location you downloaded the slides) and select all the slides that you wnat want to be imported. (Click on the first file, then hold down shift and click another file to grab the range of files between the two you clicked, or hold down the Apple/Command key and click individual files to select them all at once.) After being importedimporting, you should see all the slides as thumbnails in the “iPhoto” main window.
#Select all the slides you want to print by dragging a box around the thumbnails, then go to the menu: File -> Print.
#Select the printer you want to use – lw-jesup-maindesk-color if you are printing in Jesup – then go to the "Style" menu below the "Printer Select" menu and select “N-Up”