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Stuff WSO Definitely Should Do

2,763 bytes added, 00:10, May 13, 2024
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[[Category:To-Dos]] [[Category:WSO]]
Have an unsolicited feature request? This is the place! Also perhaps a good place to discuss how changes should be implemented and whether they are a good idea.
==Additions==# Google-esque theme changes on holidays?#change the background WSO Hot Or Not? #*Unlikely that we would be allowed to pinkrun an objectifying site feature.# Add a Daily Advisor feed.#*RSS DA/DM?#Um, noCreate a public archive of all WSO all campus e-mails and all campus-wide e-mails sent by the administration.Future historians will praise you!#Make the blogs automatically link keywords to wiki entries like some online references.#but this is actually Add code to the Announcements section that sends an electric shock through the keyboard if a person tries to post an easy fixannouncement in all caps.# Google Maps/Photoshare mashup a la [ Gallery], [ pixagogo], [ etc.].# Add new 2005Create a personalized page function like Google News -06 profs alumni might want Willipedia on top, students might want announcements.# Announcements/RideFinder mashup? If you're going to FactrakStop & Shop within a few hours and have room in your car (and are feeling charitable), asap!you can make a posting which will disappear when you leave.# Enable comments on photosChange the page title back to being a random combination of words involving WSO, instead of just saying "Williams Students Online" every time.# Fix College Council's web siteCreate categories within the Exchange section, like furniture, clothing, rooms, etc.  ==Fixes==##The College Council Website was neither created Add the ability to search by WSO nor did they agree male/female to maintain itthe facebook# Fix the Daily Messages feed. And thus it is # In the wiki login, put the "Log In" button on the same line as the dropdown menu, so that when you tab from one to the next you get to select WSO or Unix before you press the Login button, thereby not their responsibilitygetting an error message. # Require log-ins to Work with alacrity at providing shell accounts for the use the wikiof maintaining a student organization's webpage.  ==Accomplishments== ##PossiblyIn Photoshare, although free access is half the point of when you're looking at a Wikispecific picture, and there hasn't been much abuse of it so fars no "Next" button.# Get So you have to go back to the thumbnails, just to get to the menu and weather scripts working againnext photo! That seems silly.##Definitely should be done, but it is not as easy as one may think* Good point. There's a "Next" button now.
# Restrict RideBoard to one- or two-day listings so semester-long 'offers' don't clog the home page feed.
#* Now it just shows the most recent posts.# Added new 2005-06 profs to Factrak.# You mean *Also, if you don't want a ride to help maintain the kingdom of Zamunda?#Fix the ACE website##Againfactrak databases, (it's really easy I promise, not there's a really sweet admin interface) e-mail me at 06cks. E-mail me even if you aren't in WSO project, and especially if you are an underclassman, someone has got to look after this once I believe'm gone. # Fix the facebook so it'll search by parts of names rather than wholeCreate or [http:/beginning of names##Search by male/female# Fix the facebook so we can search by class install] a catalog system for books & DVD's that students have (usually lying around in their common rooms) that libraries don't (first-yearcomic books, sophomorecourse books, etc.), like we used to be able that other people could borrow. Students could lend toeach other and track who has what. Please?# Pimp my computer* Done! See [ books] and [ DVDs] you're welcome to borrow.# Fix Require log-ins to use the Facebook so we can search by Hot dudes or Hot babes wiki (self nomination of courseto reduce wiki abuse). Also hair color.## You might as well make a WSO Hot Or Not. # Make a place called Evan´s War Chest#In my experience, WSO Reminders has been more unreliable than iCal.
# Make a preview feature on comment/blog/forum postings, to avoid the weird characters people get for cutting and pasting from Word.
# Please, please, please bring back keeping the * Done for most everything.# Add a "most recently commented blogs on topadded comments" function to Factrak. It is impossible to figure out whether Factrak's even been updated at all this semester since you have to manually search by prof. This will filter #* Done! Check out a link to Peoplesoft on the WSO homepage (should be easy enough, yes?)#* Been around all along. Check under "COME GET DRUNK TONIGHT AT" posts on the left.# Get the menu and weather scripts working again.#*Definitely should be done, but it is not as easy as one may think.#*There's no hope for the menu, but the weather is fixed.# The WSO Student Homepages link is buggy on both IE and keep Mozilla Firefox. It repeats people several hundred times.#* Not only that, the data is terrible. People were entering in their favorite web sites, instead of their personal web sites. The replacement is [[Students with web presences]].# Fix the real discussions alive longerfacebook#* WSO rolled out a beta version of a new AJAX based facebook at the end of Winter Study 2007. New features will be added throughout the term. ==Refusals== #change the background to pink#*Um, no.#*but this is actually an easy fix...#*Not gonna happen.