Page history
March 12, 2006
March 8, 2006
February 6, 2006
February 5, 2006
→Other body skills
→I Can Get a Cool/Rare/Weird Disease
→I Can Get a Cool/Rare/Weird Disease
February 1, 2006
→I can tie a cherry stem into a knot in my mouth
→I can tie a cherry stem into a knot in my mouth
→I can snap my fingers by flipping my wrist
→I Can Get a Cool/Rare/Weird Disease
→I can curl my tongue into a W
December 27, 2005
December 21, 2005
December 20, 2005
December 17, 2005
December 16, 2005
→Ear Tricks
→I can snap my fingers by flipping my wrist
→I can turn my tongue so it's vertical instead of horizontal
→I can touch my tongue to my nose
→I can touch my tongue to my nose
December 2, 2005
→Ear Tricks
→I can turn my tongue past vertical, until it's upside down
→Other body skills
November 21, 2005
November 11, 2005
→Nose, baby: m
→Other body skills
→Face Tricks
→I can turn my tongue so it's vertical instead of horizontal
→I can dislocate my...
→I can turn my tongue so it's vertical instead of horizontal
→I can turn my tongue so it's vertical instead of horizontal
→I can dislocate my...
→I can turn my tongue so it's vertical instead of horizontal
→I can turn my tongue past vertical, until it's upside down
→Oral Skills
no edit summary
→Heck with that, my tongue can pick my nose
no edit summary
→I can turn my tongue past vertical, until it's upside down
→I can tie a cherry stem into a knot in my mouth
→I can turn my tongue past vertical, until it's upside down