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The Mountains

Revision as of 17:39, February 6, 2007 by 04bay (talk | contribs) (Jonathan Landsman better get cracking on that bidding cheat sheet)
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The Mountains is Williams' official school song. It was written by Washington Gladden, class of 1859, and still sung today in its original form. Sadly, no one seems to know the second and third verses anymore (not many people really know the first and fourth verses either, for that matter). But everyone knows the catchy chorus.


  1. (define print-page-number #f)

\new ChoirStaff <<

 \new Staff {
   \clef treble
   \key bes \major
   \partial 4
     \relative {
       \autoBeamOff \tieDashed
       f4 f8 bes d c bes a g f f4 bes bes
       a8 bes c c c c c~ c bes c d2. r8
       f,8 f bes d c bes a g f g4 es' es
       es8. es16 d4 d c c bes f d'4. c8 bes2. r8 \bar "||" \break
       f8^"Chorus" f bes4 c8 d d4 d8 es g, g g g4.
       g8 f a4 bes8 c c4 c8 c bes bes c d4.
       f,8 f bes4 c8 d d4 d8 es g, g g es'4. \fermata
       es8 d4 d c c bes f d'4. c8 bes2. \bar "|."
     } \\
     \relative {
       \autoBeamOff \tieDashed
       d4 d8 f f es d es es d d4 d d
       es8 f c' f, f f f~ f d es f2. r8
       d8 d f f es d es es d es4 g g
       g8. g16 f4 f f f d d f4. es8 d2. r8 \bar "||"
       d8 d d4 f8 bes bes4 bes8 g es es es es4.
       es8 d8 es4 es8 es es4 es8 es d d es f4.
       d8 d d4 f8 bes8 bes4 bes8 g es es es g4. \fermata
       g8 f4 f f f d d f4. es8 d2. \bar "|."
 \new Lyrics \lyricsto "2" {
   \set stanza = "1. "
   O, proud -- ly rise the mon -- archs of our moun -- tain land,
   With their king -- ly for -- est robes, to the sky,
   Where Al -- ma Ma -- ter dwell -- eth with her chos -- en band,
   And the peace -- ful riv -- er flow -- eth gen -- tly by.
   The moun -- tains! the moun -- tains! we greet them with a song,
   Whose ech -- oes re -- bound -- ing their wood -- land heights a -- long,
   Shall min -- gle with an -- thems that winds and foun -- tains sing,
   Till hill and val -- ley gai -- ly, gai -- ly ring.
 \new Lyrics \lyricsto "2" {
   \set stanza = "2. "
   \set ignoreMelismata = ##t
   The snows of win -- ter crown them with a crys -- tal crown,
   And the sil -- ver clouds of sum -- mer round them cling;
   The Au -- tumn's scar -- let man -- tle flows in rich -- ness down:
   And they rev -- el in the gar -- ni -- ture of Spring.
 \new Lyrics \lyricsto "2" {
   \set stanza = "3. "
   \set ignoreMelismata = ##t
   O, might -- i -- ly they bat -- tle with the storm -- king's power;
   And the con -- quer -- ors shall tri -- umph here for aye;
   Yet qui -- et -- ly their shad -- ows fall at eve -- ning hour,
   While the gen -- tle breez -- es round them soft -- ly play.
 \new Lyrics \lyricsto "2" {
   \set stanza = "4. "
   \set ignoreMelismata = ##t
   Be -- neath their peace -- ful shad -- ows may old Wil -- liams stand,
   Till the suns and moun -- tains nev -- er -- more shall be,
   The glo -- ry and the hon -- or of our moun -- tain land,
   And the dwell -- ing of the gal -- lant and the free.
 \new Staff {
   \clef bass
   \key bes \major
   \partial 4
     \relative {
       \autoBeamOff \tieDashed
       bes4 bes8 bes bes bes bes bes bes bes bes4 f f
       a8 bes a a a a a~ a g a bes2. r8
       bes8 bes bes bes bes bes bes bes bes bes4 g g
       g8. g16 bes4 bes a a f f f4. f8 f2. r8 \bar "||"
       f8 f f4 f8 f f4 bes8 bes bes bes bes bes4.
       bes8 f8 f4 f8 f f4 f8 f f f f f4.
       f8 f f4 f8 f f4 bes8 bes bes bes bes bes4. \fermata
       bes8 f4 f a a f f bes4. a8 f2. \bar "|."
     } \\
     \relative {
       \autoBeamOff \tieDashed
       bes,4 bes8 bes bes bes bes bes bes bes bes4 bes bes
       f'8 d f f f f f~ f f f bes,2. r8
       bes8 bes bes bes bes bes bes bes bes es4 es es
       es8. es16 f4 f f f bes, bes f'4. f8 bes,2. r8 \bar "||"
       bes8 bes bes4 bes8 bes bes4 bes8 es es es es es4.
       es8 f,8 f4 f8 f f4 f8 f' bes, bes bes bes4.
       bes8 bes bes4 bes8 bes bes4 bes8 es es es es es4. \fermata
       es8 f4 f f f bes, bes f'4. f8 bes,2. \bar "|."

>> </lilypond>

Unfortunately, I can't find a way to make the layout not suck. It works great on my computer, but the lilypond plugin for MediaWiki sets a ragged right justification which I can't figure out how to override. Le Sigh.