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Stuff WSO Definitely Should Do

Revision as of 22:19, December 18, 2005 by 08kch (talk | contribs)

Have an unsolicited feature request? This is the place! Also perhaps a good place to discuss how changes should be implemented and whether they are a good idea.

  1. change the background to pink
    • Um, no.
    • but this is actually an easy fix...
  2. Add a "most recently added comments" function to Factrak. It is impossible to figure out whether Factrak's even been updated at all this semester since you have to manually search by prof.
  3. Add new 2005-06 profs to Factrak, asap!
    • Done! Also, if you want to help maintain the factrak databases, (it's really easy I promise, there's a really sweet admin interface) e-mail me at 06cks. E-mail me even if you aren't in WSO, and especially if you are an underclassman, someone has got to look after this once I'm gone.
  4. Enable comments on photos.
    • Done and doner!
  5. Create or install a catalog system for books & DVD's that students have (usually lying around in their common rooms) that libraries don't (comic books, course books, etc.) that other people could borrow. Students could lend to each other and track who has what.
    • Done! See books and DVDs you're welcome to borrow.
  6. Require log-ins to use the wiki.
    • Possibly, although free access is half the point of a Wiki, and there hasn't been much abuse of it so far, so, OK, done.
  7. Get the menu and weather scripts working again.
    1. Definitely should be done, but it is not as easy as one may think.
  8. Restrict RideBoard to one- or two-day listings so semester-long 'offers' don't clog the home page feed.
    • You mean you don't want a ride to the kingdom of Zamunda?
  9. Fix the facebook so it'll search by parts of names rather than whole/beginning of names
    • Search by male/female
  10. Pimp my computer.
    • Done. Just ask Sam Dreeben.
  11. Fix the Facebook so we can search by Hot dudes or Hot babes (self nomination of course). Also hair color.
    • You might as well make a WSO Hot Or No
  12. In my experience, WSO Reminders has been more unreliable than iCal.
  13. Make a preview feature on comment/blog/forum postings, to avoid the weird characters people get for cutting and pasting from Word.
    • But only if it works better than the one on Blackboard, which doesn't show weird characters in the preview pane.
  14. Please, please, please bring back keeping the most recently commented blogs on top. This will filter out the "COME GET DRUNK TONIGHT AT MEZZE!!!11!1!" posts and keep the real bitchfests alive longer.
    • I take it back. Let the bitchfests die a quick and merciful death. I'll even post more inane "WHERE'S MY IPOD?!?!?!" blogs just to kick them off the frontpage.
  15. Fix the Daily Messages feed.
  16. Add a Daily Advisor feed.
  17. Create a public archive of all WSO all campus e-mails and all campus-wide e-mails sent by the administration. Future historians will praise you!
  18. Make the blogs automatically link keywords to wiki entries like some online references. That would be amazing.
  19. Make WSO work on my computer so that most of the pages don't show up as two words per line in a long string of what looks like poetry down my screen.
    • Or, alternatively, educate the Williams population to be smart enough to use a non-shitty web-browser, like Firefox or Safari
  20. In Photoshare, when you're looking at a specific picture, there's no "Next" button. So you have to go back to the thumbnails, just to get to the next photo! That seems silly.
    • I second this.
  21. In the wiki login, put the "Log In" button on the same line as the dropdown menu, so that when you tab from one to the next you get to select WSO or Unix before you press the Login button, thereby not getting an error message.