This is the discussion page for "A cappella". This page is where editors and readers discuss what content should and should not be in the article, and respond to others' questions and comments. Unlike articles' content pages, editors should only add material and respond to others' postings, and never make deletions. This page is intended to record the history of any debate, as well as work towards resolving it.
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Awesome call on Fat Bottom Girls.--05jl 23:36, 10 April 2006 (EDT)
So, we tend to keep the whole "singing in" thing a secret - frosh are told they'll get an email. And I remember this being the case when I tried out for other groups as a freshman. Hence, I don't think it should be in here. Perhaps we could find a suitably sneaky compromise? Discuss. --06le
Laura is right. I remember how mad people got at Daniel when he basically gave it away during my callbacks. I think it's more fun as a surprise. -09sdr
Say, Landsman, is there a policy on Trade Secrets? --Evan 13:45, 11 April 2006 (EDT)