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Stuff Students Should Do Before Graduating

632 bytes added, 01:48, December 8, 2008
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# Have lunch or play soccer with students from the CDE. Meet people from the countries you're studying. Many of them will become prime ministers/finance ministers of their countries.(e.g. Goh Chok Tong of Singapore)
# Take a picture of a nebula or galaxy at the observatory.
# Hike up Stony Ledge on Mountain Day. Even if you hate it, at least you will have done it.
# Sleep in on Mountain Day. It feels great.
# Attend a random performance or lecture that you know nothing about.
# Stop in every shop on Eagle Street in North Adams and chat with people.
# Better yet, take the [ BRTA] there and think about the importance of public transportation.
# Swim in the Green River.
# Go kayaking in the pool with Scott Lewis.
# Make s'mores on Stone Hill.
# Camp overnight on top of the Thompson Science Buildings and Mission.
# Go on a romantic dinner-date at Elizabeth's in Pittsfield.
# Play [[KAOS]].
# Take a break from an all-nighter to find a good spot to watch the sun rise.
# Play at the homecoming halftime show (or any show, really) with the Mucho Macho Moocow Marching Band.
# Walk down the double yellow line on Rt. 2 in the middle of the night.
# Pull an all-nighter playing Williams Trivia with a group of friends--especially awesome right before exams (spring semester).
# Pull an all-nighter studying.
# Go sledding on Bee Hill or Stone Hill.
# Play Broomball with enthusiasm.
# Visit The Clark.