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The groups eventually met and InterFaith was formed.
==Current Constitution==
The current constitution, as crafted and approved by the 2010-2011 IF board at the end of the 2011 Spring semester.
:: We, the members of Interfaith, established to bring together the different religion/spiritual-related groups on campus, do ordain and establish this constitution and subscribe to the regulations and polices of Williams College.
===Article I - Name===
:: InterFaith will also operate under the acronym IF.
===Article II - Purpose===
:: InterFaith was formed to bring together the different religion/spiritual-related groups on campus so that they may interact with, empathize with, and reduce possible misunderstanding between one another. InterFaith seeks to help the campus engage both the broad public realm and community life by highlighting the very personal beliefs of the multitude of the campus and providing spaces for students to engage and embrace such beliefs. InterFaith also serves as a coalition of groups that can educate the remainder of the campus on the differences and similarities between the groups; through different meetings and events, IF will instigate discussions and learning experiences readily available for people who might not have encountered any or all other faiths on campus. Finally, InterFaith will serve as greater support for the religions/spiritual-related groups on campus, providing more student voice should the need arise.
:: It is also the purpose of this organization to abide by the Code of Student Conduct and to uphold the educational mission of Williams College.
===Article III - Affiliation===
:: InterFaith is not affiliated with any local, state, or national organization. If members of InterFaith wish to formally affiliate IF with an organization, they must amend this Constitution.
===Article IV - Membership===
:: All Williams College students are eligible for membership. There are no restrictions on College students for admission. Membership is completely open to whoever would like to join. We do not anticipate a need for removal of members, but if such a situation arises, the IF officers will deal privately with the matter. To withdraw from IF, members may remove themselves from the InterFaith listserve and stop attending meetings. Only active members may vote or hold office.
:: Williams College, in compliance with state and federal law, does not discriminate in admission, employment, or administration of its programs and activities on the basis of race, color, sex, national origin, religion, age, disability, marital status, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, ancestry, or military service. Any member of the College community who on any of
these grounds feels discriminated against by another member of the community should take action.
===Article V - Officers/Elections===
:: The officers for IF are two Co-Chairs, one Treasurer, and one Secretary. At least two officers constitute an executive committee, and this group has the power to make decisions on behalf of the group, except in cases of a decision normally made by the vote of the officer and non-officer members of InterFaith.
:: Members wishing to be elected as officers will submit self-nominations to the officers at a previously announced time in April or May. The names of the nominations will be made public to all members. If there is no contest for a position, there will be no vote held. If there is a contest for a position, all members may vote. The voting will be held at a previously announced IF
meeting. The nominees will introduce themselves and may say a few words about why they wish to hold an officer position. The nominees will then leave the room, and the remaining members will vote.
:: Officers serve a term of one year, after which they may re-nominate themselves and will go through the normal election process. In the event of an officer vacancy of more than one month, members will be allowed to submit self-nominations to the officers for the position. The officers will choose who will fill the vacancy. If the officers cannot come to a unanimous decision, a normal election will be held for that position only.
:: If IF feels that an officer is not performing his or her duties, and after being made aware of this, that officer does not improve, the officer may be removed. To be removed, at least two other officers and five non-officer members will write a formal letter explaining the reasons for removal and citing this Constitution as their right to do so. After the removal of an officer, a full election will be held for that position as usual.
===Article VI - Advisor===
:: There will be a Williams faculty/staff advisor for IF. The advisor will be chosen from within the Chaplain’s office by the officers at the end of each academic year, in May. If the officers cannot come to a unanimous decision, a full vote of the members will be taken. Advisors serve for one year. In the event of a vacancy greater than one month, another advisor will be chosen by the
usual methods.
:: This organization may select and secure an advisor from the active faculty or staff of Williams College and will register their name with Campus Life annually. The advisor will be informed of all meetings and activities of the organization and may call a special meeting of the organization to discuss concerns for the ongoing nature of the organization.
===Article VII - Meetings===
:: IF will meet approximately twice per month, or as necessary, as decided by the officers. General consensus among the officers will decide meeting dates, and any officer may then call the meeting through the listserve.
===Article VIII - Constitutional Amendments===
:: Only officers may propose an amendment to this Constitution. Amendments will be proposed and discussed at a meeting. To pass, an amendment will need a 2/3 majority vote from the active membership in order to pass. Because the membership of IF is fluid, the 2/3 will be calculated from the total responses to the amendment, not the total number of members. That is, of the votes cast in regards to the amendment, 2/3 must be in support of the amendment in order for it to be passed.
:: All amendments, additions, or deletions must be approved and filed with College Council.
===Article IX - Funding===
:: This student group agrees to abide by all funding bylaws set forth by the Williams College Council. This includes the process for applying for funding and the possible uses for CC funds by student organizations. A finance officer/treasurer will be responsible for budgeting the student organization’s funds in accordance with CC funding bylaws. The finance officer (and organization as whole) is responsible for all activities involving funding. In approving this constitution, this student group also acknowledges that it may fundraise of its own accord, but alumni solicitation must be coordinated through the Development Office.
===Article X - Dissolution===
:: Dissolution of IF will be decided by a majority vote of the members, unless at least two members wish to continue IF. If at least two members wish to continue IF, they may claim responsibility for the group.
:: Any money that InterFaith has acquired prior to dissolution will be donated to the Williams College Council Projects Fund.
InterFaith also reserves the parliamentary authority to be used for points not covered in this Constitution.
==Past InterFaith Boards==