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Fluffy Bois

669 bytes added, 17:05, October 2, 2016
Not done - much to add
Fluffy Bois are the feisty little above ground hedge-hogs that reside high in the trees of Williamstown. Some say that these heathens were the original founders of the college but upon the [[Split of 1821]], the majority left to run (and still do operate) [[Amherst]] College. Be  == Dangers == While you can always see many scuttling around campus, these are only the ground-force ranks. Picture the Fluffy Bois' colony as an upside down iceberg. Or like the pyramids of Egypt if they were upside down. Or better yet, a Toblerone container that is precariously perched on one of its edges. While it may seem like there are swarms on the ground at all times, the majority spend their lives jumping from tree to tree with some never touching the ground in their life. It may be tempting to look up and search for these 'critters', but do so at your own risk. Fluffy Bois are notorious for hurling acorns upon the (brave) landlubbers who dare venture outside for classes, and thus one puts themself at a borderline critical risk by scanning the skies even for a moment.