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You may still find the following useful, though:
*A radio with which to listen to WCFM (if you are local), or a At least one computer configured to handle streaming audio*Props and costume bits for Action TriviasSeveral computers on which to work on boni, answer on-airs, etc.
*Junk food to snack on all night
*A telephoneCaffeine, caffeine, and more caffeine!*A CD player separate from whatever device is playing the radio broadcastInternet access, obviously*Pencils Some means of recording video for you Action Boni*Potential props and your teammatescostume bits for said Action Boni*Reference books and such can still be helpful, if you've got 'Net access If you choose to eschew em - most of the rules in modern Trivia contests that prohibit the use of the internet, which some folks doNOT prohibit looking things up in actual, then by all means collect piles of reference physical books, and pat yourself on the back for kicking it old-school.!