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Anti-War Community Task Force

According to the web site,

The Williams College Anti-War Community Taskforce (A.C.T.) is a peace activism group (comprised of students, faculty, and staff) that seeks to promote education and awareness on campus regarding the current U.S/Iraq situation. Through lectures, debates, petitions, poster campaigns, and travel to organized protests we hope to increase dialogue among the student body regarding War in Iraq and spread the reasons for which we oppose this War.

Founded in autumn 2002, the group was among the largest and most active political activism groups that year.


January 13-18, 2003 War, Iraq, Terror? Week (coverage)
January 15, 2003 Scott Ritter, former chief of weapons inspection of the United Nations Special Commission on Iraq, speaks in Chapin Hall. (coverage, pro, con & con)
January 18, 2003 Williams students, faculty and community members participate in the Washington, DC protest. (photos)(photos)(coverage)
February 15, 2003 Williams students, faculty and community members participate in the protest in New York City. (photos)(photos)(coverage)
February 18, 2003 Record survey shows 68% of the student body opposing a unilateral invasion of Iraq.
March 20, 2003 Williams students, faculty and community members gather on Chapin Steps for a Day of Hostility rally.