Nutting self nom
I am applying to be Dodd’s at large representative because I see it as an excellent opportunity to become involved in College Council and to represent the interests of Dodd Neighborhood. As Dodd’s social chair and Lehman Baxter Fellow this past semester I became intimately involved with and connected to the issues of residential life on this campus and I think that College Council offers yet another avenue through which I can work to address these. I’ve also become very aware of the distinct personalities and needs of each of the neighborhoods and I am sure that I can represent Dodd’s specific needs well.
I also look forward to connecting the worlds of the Neighborhood Governance Boards and College Council. These two bodies are both genuinely concerned with serving the interests of the students on campus but have fundamentally different approaches and structures. I’m interested in seeing more of how college council maneuvers and executes. I hope to be able to learn from both systems and bring the best of each to solving the most critical problems on campus.
I think that there are some really exciting issues that we’ll be dealing with this coming semester and I’m committed to making sure that they are resolved thoughtfully.
I’m organized. I’m always on time. I’m excited to get involved in sub-committees. I’ll be a great rep. Promise.