User contributions
April 19, 2009
November 9, 2008
Students with body skills
I can dislocate my...
Students with body skills
I can snap my fingers by flipping my wrist
Students with body skills
I can turn my tongue past vertical, until it's upside down
Students with body skills
I can turn my tongue so it's vertical instead of horizontal
Students with body skills
I can curl my tongue into a W
September 22, 2008
Students with body skills
I can snap my fingers by flipping my wrist
Students with body skills
I can dislocate my...
Students with body skills
I can turn my tongue so it's vertical instead of horizontal
Students with body skills
I can curl my tongue into a W
Students with body skills
I can snap my fingers by flipping my wrist
Students with body skills
I can turn my tongue past vertical, until it's upside down
Students with body skills
I can turn my tongue past vertical, until it's upside down