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Russian Theater Club

115 bytes added, 21:32, January 24, 2007
groups, academics
A club organized by members of the Russian department that produces a one-act play in Russian every semester. Established by visiting professor John Hope in the fall of 2004, the Russian Theater Club has put on four productions, all of which have been amazing and enjoyed by Russian-speaking and non-Russian-speaking audiences alike. The club's members are students of Russian, heritage speakers, and people who don't speak Russian at all but want to participate in quality theater. Anyone who wants to participate in any capacity is more than welcome to join us. Operations should start up again at the beginning of next semester with another fabulous play. Headquarters are in Weston, performance space in Weston 10.
Spring 2006: Zoschenko's "Crime and Punishment," directed by Sara Beach
Fall 2006: Babel's "How It was Done in Odessa," directed by Ilya Khodosh