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''Tomorrow's free time, today.''
WARP (the Williams Association ''The unreality of Role-Players) games gives notice that reality is a club dedicated to roleplaying and similar [[Odd quad | Odd Quad]]-type activitiesnot yet real. The club is noted for its laissez-faire organization; traditionally WARP only holds one meetingUnconsciously, at the beginning of they rehearse the year, and thereafter organizes through its [[listserver]] in smaller groupsright life. (If it sounds fragmented and chaotic, that's because it is.) Although roleplaying is a primary focus of WARP, it coordinates a variety of similar activities. Among them are [[bopswording]], Laser Tag, board games, card games, and whatever else comes to mind' - Theodor W. Adorno
The WARP listserver, in addition to serving as (the coordination tool Williams Association of the Role-Players) is a club, also serves the valuable purpose of a spam conduit, down which people send links dedicated to strange news articles, online games, roleplaying and other similar [[procrastinatingOdd quad |procrastinationOdd Quad]] aids-type activities. The listserver club is also a good place to settle important fantasynoted for its laissez-battle questionsfaire organization; traditionally WARP only held one meeting, like "who would win at the beginning of the year, and thereafter organized through its [[listserver]] in smaller groups. (If it sounds fragmented and chaotic, that's because it is.) Although roleplaying is a fight: a cave trollprimary focus of WARP, or it has historically coordinated a pack variety of velociraptors?" Finallyrelated activities. Among them are [[bopswording]], Laser Tag, board games, and card games. In the 2008-2009 year, WARP held free movie showings in Paresky on the weekends. Historically, WARP listserver is an excellent place has organized outings to observe WARP crust conventions including [[NonCon]] (circa 2008) and PAX East (in action, since many 2015 and 2016). WARP members never leave also runs [[Humans vs. Zombies]] during the listserver even after graduationfall semester and [[KAOS]] during Winter Study.
Traditionally In recent years, WARP has two "real" officer positionsgained a more structured organization, with the club hosting a meeting every Saturday night at 7: the Figurehead (president) 00pm. Anyone is welcome to join and play a variety of board games, with [[Avalon]] typically making an appearance in the Shady Grand Vizier (treasurer)2023-2024 school year. The current (06-07) Figurehead is Kat Jongclub owns a large volume of board games, and which members can sign out for individual games when the current Grand Vizier club is Sean Hayesnot in session. In practice, WARP has a long hierarchy of ever-fluctuating ceremonial titles, Any who do not return the games they signed out will have to face the most enduring wrath of which is the [[Not-Pope]]Quartermaster (who has a sword).
== '''Early History''' ==WARP is affiliated with most was officially founded in 1989 by Chris Aylott '91 and Toby Elliott '92, but in some sense began in the fall of 1987 when [| Joe Cruz] '91 (now Professor of Philosophy at the other organizations College) started an Advanced Dungeons & Dragons campaign, virtually all of the whose members lived in [[Odd quad | Odd Quad]], if only by shared membership. The strongest link is to and whose viewings of Star Trek (the original series) and Twilight Zone in the [[DeviantsProspect House]] listserverTV room would regularly attract an after-[[Driscoll]]-dinner audience of 12-20 students. == '''The Dark Ages''' ==WARP has generally sustained itself on its ability to entrap a sufficient number of naive, which serves as interested freshmen before they come to realize that undergraduate education is actually a more neutral socialization branch time-consuming undertaking. On only one situation did this fail to occur: the Dark Ages of WARP, when the club plumbed the depths of laissez-faire organization by essentially dropping completely off the same social groupmap. Other closelyFor example, WARP was represented by a stack of books and a sign-affiliated organizations include up sheet at the 2011 Purple Key Fair. The vaunted listserv became nearly completely abandoned; activities were carried on, preserving the club's lifeblood in secret, but without any sort of formal organization. == '''Next Generation of WARP''' =={{outdated}}In 2011 a mysterious nobody managed to recruit about 50% of the Japanese department into playing an extended campaign of Dungeons and Dragons 4E, followed by a significant number of other students. With this, WARP was reconstituted in its current incarnation, which focuses on tabletop RPGs, LARP, and nominal supervision of campus-wide live action games such as Humans vs. Zombies and the ever-popular KAOS. Movies, video games, and other forms of entertainment have generally taken a backseat to these activities, but are still carried out in a much diminished form. == '''Vicarious Living''' =={{outdated}}The WARP [[Elizabethanslistserver]], in addition to serving as the coordination tool of the club, also serves the valuable purpose of a spam conduit, down which people send links to strange news articles, online games, and other [[(Moocho Macho Moocow Military) Marching Bandprocrastinating|procrastination]]aids. The listserver is also a good place to settle important fantasy-battle questions, like "who would win in a fight: a cave troll, or a pack of velociraptors?" Finally, the WARP listserver is an excellent place to observe WARP crust in action, since many WARP members never leave the listserver even after graduation. Unfortunately communication on the Listserv has fallen off dramatically because new generations of WARPies tend to just use email. Probably should let the alumni know we're still alive, huh. == '''Organization''' ==Traditionally WARP has two "real" officer positions: the Figurehead (president) and the [[Mad Cow]]Shadowy Grand Vizier (treasurer). See also: In practice, WARP has a long hierarchy of ever-fluctuating ceremonial titles, the most enduring of which is the [[Den of SlackNot-Pope]].
Past leaders have included:
* 2018-2019: [[Eily Mixson]] ('20) (Figurehead) and [[Adly Templeton]] ('20) (Shadowy Grand Vizier)* 2017-2018: [[Leigh Davidson]] ('18) (Figurehead) and [[Adly Templeton]] ('20) (Shadowy Grand Vizier)* 2016-2017: [[Aramis Sanchez]] ('17) (Figurehead and Shadowy Grand Vizier)* 2015-2016: [[Sam Ok Park]] ('18) (Figurehead) and [[Darla Torres]] ('18) (Shadowy Grand Vizier)* 2014-2015: [[Bryn Reinstadler]] ('15) (Figurehead) and [[Sam Ok Park]] ('18) (Shadowy Grand Vizier)* 2013-2014: [[Quinn Griffin]] ('15) (Figurehead) and [[Marina (Rinna) Caldieraro]] ('14) (Shadowy Grand Vizier)* 2012-2013: [[Nigel Munoz]] ('15) (Figurehead and Shadowy Grand Vizier, by way of hostile takeover)* 2011-2012: [[Gu]], the mysterious stranger.* 2009-2011: The Dark Ages. A mystery to everyone.* 2008-2009: [[Erik Morton]] ('09) (Figurehead) and [[Edward Newkirk]] ('09) (Shadowy Grand Vizier)* 2007-2008: [[Sean Hayes]] ('08) (Figurehead) and [[Edward Newkirk]] ('09) (Shadowy Grand Vizier)* 2006-2007: [[Kat Jong]] ('07) (Figurehead) and [[Sean Hayes]] ('08) (Shadowy Grand Vizier) * 2005-2006: [[Amanda R. Van Rhyn '06]] (Figurehead) and [[Jake F. Manley '07]] (Shadowy Grand Vizier)
* 2004-5: [[Jeff Dougherty '05]] and [[Jake Mandel '05]], Co-Presidents and [[Seth Zeren '05]], Holder of the Purse Strings
Around 2013, the "Triumvirate" formed because Quinn, Rinna, and Nigel all wanted control of WARP, and had different visions for the club. Quinn desired more role-playing, a return to a more old-fashioned sort of WARP, whereas Rinna was more pro-board games and LARP, and Nigel was concerned with large-scale roleplaying (KAOS and Humans vs. Zombies). If it has not been modified, WARP's constitution still contains reference to the authority of a Triumvirate, but it is no longer enforced.
In Spring 2016, President Sam Ok Park ('18) dissolved the Triumvirate and established several new positions.
WARP's Board for 2016-2017 consisted of
* [[Aramis Sanchez]] ('17) (Scoundrel of the Thieves; Figurehead and Shadowy Grand Vizier)
* [[Granger Carty]] ('19) (Granger of the Rangers)
* [[Connor Swan]] ('18) (Grand Vizier of the Wizards)
* [[Leigh Davidson]] ('18) (Chieftain of the Barbarians)
* [[Kiri Peirce]] ('20) (Champion of the Paladins)
* [[Julia Goldman]] ('18) (Fili of the Bards/Historian)
WARP's Board for 2017-2018 consisted of
* [[Leigh Davidson]] ('18) (Figurehead)
* [[Granger Carty]] ('19) (Shadowy Grand Vizier, Fall)
* [[Gus Beirne]] ('18) (Granger of the Rangers)
* [[Breelyn Karno]] ('20) (Champion of the Paladins)
* [[Adly Templeton]] ('20) (Chieftain of the Barbarians; Shadowy Grand Vizier, Spring)
* [[Julia Goldman]] ('18) (Fili of the Bards/Historian)
* [[Eily Mixson]] ('20) (Wizard of the Wizards)
* [[Jesse Ames]] ('19) (Court Philosopher)
WARP's Board for 2018-2019 consisted of
* [[Eily Mixson]] ('20) (Figurehead)
* [[Adly Templeton]] ('20) (Shadowy Grand Vizier)
* [[Granger Carty]] ('19) (Granger of the Rangers)
* [[Jesse Ames]] ('19) (Fili of the Bards/Historian)
* Other members-at-large, including [[Christian Lockwood]] ('20)
WARP's Board for 2019-2020 abandoned Sam Ok Park's ceremonial titles in favor of corporate-sounding titles:
* [[Eily Mixson]] ('20) (Figurehead)
* [[Adly Templeton]] ('20) (Shadowy Grand Vizier)
* [[Balint Szollosi]] ('21) (Regional Manager)
* [[Kiri Peirce]] ('20) (Executive Assistant to the Regional Manager/Historian)
* [[Christopher Chung]] ('22)? (Terraformer)
* [[Ronan Howlett]] ('21)? (Administrative Director)
* [[Christian Lockwood]] ('20) (Member-at-Large?)
WARP's Board for 2020-2021:
* [[Odysseas Morgan]] ('22) (President)
* [[Rebecca Dodgson]] ('23) (Treasurer)
* Simon (Historian)
* [[Nick Gonzales (Simon?)]] ('22) & [[Simon Kent]] ('23) (Co-Simons)
WARP's Board for 2021-2022:
* [[Odysseas Morgan]] ('22) (President)
* [[Dylan Chan]] ('23) (Treasurer)
* Simon (Historian)
* [[Simon Kent]] ('22) (Simon)
WARP's Board for 2022-2023:
* [[Dylan Chan]] ('23) (President)
* [[Jonathan Geller]] ('24) (Treasurer)
* [[Simon Kent]] ('23) (Historian)
* [[Michael Faulkner]] ('25) (Quartermaster) (Forcibly Appointed)
WARP's Board for 2023-2024 revived the positions of Not-Pope, &c. According to Asher Gladstone, it is worth noting that Asher Gladstone contested the Presidency, though not by his own choice:
* [[Jonathan Geller]] ('24) (President)
* [[Austin Osborn]] ('25) (Treasurer)
* [[Cassie Aretsky]] ('26) (Historian/[[Anti-Not-Pope]])
* [[Jenna Shuffelton]] ('26) (Quartermaster)
* [[Tasis Gemmill-Nexon]] ('26) ([[Not-Pope]])
* [[Lee Benzinger]] ('24) (Anti-Pope)
* [[Maddie Nowbar]] ('26) (Lee)
* [[Nick Gonzales]] ('22) & [[Asher Gladstone]] ('24) (Co-Simons)