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LaTeX MLA Template

2,507 bytes added, 20:38, August 20, 2009
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===Ryan Alcock's MLA package===
Ryan Alcock authored a package that makes typesetting MLA format papers in LaTeX a snap. Little preamble and very easy to use.

Here's the [ link] to Alcock's style file. Copy the whole page, paste into a text editor and save as mla.sty. Once that's done, you can always invoke the package in your document.

===MLA Template===

Here's my template for MLA papers in LaTeX. You can easily customize this and make changes to adapt to other formats. I discovered Alcock's package while doing this.


%Margin - 1 inch on all sides
\geometry{top=1.0in, bottom=1.0in, left=1.0in, right=1.0in}


%Babel package for multiple language typesetting

%Setting the font

%Rotating tables (e.g. sideways when too long)

%For multiple rows in tables

%Line numbering in verse environment

%Fancy-header package to modify header/page numbering (insert last name)
\rhead{Last name \thepage}
%To make sure we actually have header 0.5in away from top edge
%12pt is one-sixth of an inch. Subtract this from 0.5in to get headsep value

%Works cited environment
%(to start, use \begin{workscited...}, each entry preceded by \bibent)
% - from Ryan Alcock's MLA style file
\newcommand{\bibent}{\noindent \hangindent 40pt}
\newenvironment{workscited}{\newpage \begin{center} Works Cited \end{center}}{\newpage }

%Begin document

%%%%First page name, class, etc
Professor \\
Class \\


%%%%Changes paragraph indentation to 0.5in

%%%%Begin body of paper here

%%%%Works cited

author's last name, first name. or ``Paper Title." \textit{Book Title}. City: Publisher, Year of publication. Print OR Web date

