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Queer Student Union

643 bytes added, 17:06, March 22, 2011
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==Mission Statement==
'''The Queer Student Union ''' is a group of students who share a common interest in participating in cultivating, nurturing, and protecting enriching the queer experience at Williams College. We are advocates for the queer perspective perspectives and we work to ensure that the presence and voices of queer students are recognized and respected at Williams. We serve a political functionThrough our active presence and involvement on campus, the QSU hopes to confront homophobia, biphobia, transphobia, and heterosexism while seeking to understand and address how these interlink with sexism, racism, as activists working and classism to transform our greater communityperpetuate oppression. We  With these goals in mind the Queer Student Union endeavours to serve a social functionwide variety of functions socially, intellectually, and politically:  '''Socially, by creating ''' we organize to create common bonds through conversationconversations, social events, and activismexplorations of queer cultures. We '''Intellectually,''' we serve an intellectual function, as a source of information and a center of provide and safe medium for academic discourse on the queer experience. We actively challenge homophobia, biphobiapersonal reflection, transphobia and heterosexismartistic (re)presentation of queerness and our other intersecting identities. As queer students'''Politically,''' as activists, we want work to thoughtfully question transform our greater community while recognizing that our society’s goals require a continued process of understanding and addressing all forms of gender oppression. Gender and sexualityare mobilized in different ways along with race, ethnicity, class, age, and ability in order to privilege some bodies, voices, and actions over others, effectively speaking and acting for others before they do so for themselves. We work collaboratively to create safe as well as transformative spaces on the at Williams campus for our queer and LGBT-identified LGBTQQAAI peers and we welcome all who reject traditional gender norms through their expression of sexuality and way of life. We are to serve as a resource for all members of our community who are interested wish to question thoughtfully the ways in exploring what it means to be queerwhich genders and sexualities affect and inform our lives and society.
==Important Dates==