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Tray carvings

1,628 bytes added, 13:26, July 22, 2011
Added viewpoint from the trayless present
Carvings generally fall into <s>three</s> <s>four</s> a bunch of categories[[Category: Wilbur trays, "Tray of" trays, tray puns, Cult of Tom trays, trays with pictures, and...other trays.Tradition]]
Let==Introduction==During 2008-2009, the College began phasing out trays in the dining halls in an effort to reduce waste of food and energy. Williams has been completely trayless since fall 2009 except in [[Whitman's make Marketplace|Whitman's]]. Nevertheless, trays and their carvings were once an important part of campus life. Carvings fall into a comprehensive list bunch of dining hall categories: Wilbur trays, "Tray of" trays, tray scratchingspuns, Cult of Tom trays, trays with pictures, and. Include locations, if known/remembered..other trays.
Does anyone know For a complete history of the Wilburtrays, see '''s story? [ Create it![WilburAn unlikely but intriguing possible source for the great resentment towards Wilbur may be the late 19th century serialized novel "Wilbur of Williams", [note: title may need correcting] which can be found in the Williams Archives. It is, naturally, a romance'''. Jealousy, perhaps?
* Wilbur Sucks I - LXII (beyond?)
* Wilbur takes econ
* Wilbur invaded Poland (Greylock)
* Wilbur donates blood (Mission)* Welcome to Wilbur Country (including serifs and Surgeon General's Warning; Missionwarning: Wilbur Sucks)
* Wilbur works the corner (Greylock)
* Wilbur failed the MCATs
* Wilbur watches figure skating (Greylock)
* Wilbur worships false idols (Greylock)
* Wilbur sets up false idols (Greylock)
* Wilbur rides the night train (Driscoll)
* Wilbur is out of his element (Greylock)
* Wilbur is a Saddam body double (Greylock)
* Wilbur is a weapons inspector (Greylock)
* Wilbur is out of his element (Greylock)
* Wilbur fucked your girlfriend
* Goose Blows Goats (Wilbur Helps) (Greylock)
* Both Wilburs Suck (Mission)
* Wilbur is THAT guy (Greylock)
A few years ago, some students took it upon themselves to redeem Wilbur's image in the public eye by recording the following positive attributes.
* Wilbur donates blood (Mission)
* Wilbur Votes (Mission)
* Wilbur Recycles (Mission)
* Wilbur Saves the Whales (Mission)
* Wilbur brakes for moose (Mission)
== Cult of Tom ==
For background information on the Cult of Tom, see [[Cult of Tom]].
* Cult of Tom
* Cult of <s>Tom</s> Tom
:''and so on . . .''
The Cult Other incarnations of Tom story orginated in 2000 when Tom Fleming ('00) and Jeff Grant ('00) were talking to each other and realized that people would wear pretty much any free T-shirt. Thus, Tom decided he could start his own cult merely by printing up shirts that said "Cult of Tom" and distributing them. The only rule for the Cult of Tom was that you must wear the T-shirt.  Then, Tom asked everybody with the shirt to wear it and come to his thesis defense to ask questions (perhaps silly questions or pre-arranged really intelligent ones). It was afterwards that "Cult of Tom" began being scratched onto Driscoll trays. This is where the story diverges. Some say that Tom Stackpole ('01) got jealous and scratched out the orignal Tom and put his own name in. Others say that a friend of Tom's started the corrections, and thereby created a new Cult of Tom (Stackpole). At any rate, the original Cult of Tom supporters were angry, and scratched out the new Tom and replaced it with the old Tom. As a result, the system of odd-even number of Toms was created. An odd number of Toms meant Tom Fleming, and even numbers were Tom Stackpole. theme:
Source: members * Cult of Thomas Edison* Cult of class Strom* Cult of 2000, 2001 -- many Sarah's Tomb (Driscoll; handwriting analysis implies a vandalization of whom still have original earlier Cult of Tom shirts.tray)* Cult of (Greylock; maybe they got interrupted?)
Other incarnations of the Tom theme: *Cult of Thomas Edison*Cult ult of Stromom
==Tray of...==
* Tray of Spiritual Horniness (Driscoll)
* Tray of Snow Bocce 2004 (Mission)
* Tray of the Future (Mission)
* Tray of... to the Future! (Mission; same as above?)
* Tray of Feral Pigs (Mission)
* Tray of the Luv Potion (Driscoll)
* Tray of Williams (Wesleyan)
* Tray of Willful Disregard (Driscoll)
* Tray of Unfulfilled Desires (Driscoll)
* Tray of Tu Madre (Driscoll)
* Tray of GE's Freedom Movement (Greylock)
* Tray of Buttface (Mission)
* Tray of the Love Nest (Mission)
* Tray of Projectile Food (Mission)
* Tray of Knowledge of Good and Evil ("From every tray in the dining hall you may freely eat, but not from the tray of knowledge of good and evil, or God shall surely smack you over the head with it.")
* Tray of Prostitution (Driscoll)
* Tray of it's April 27th of my Senior Year and I still haven't carved a tray! (Greylock)
* Tray uv Illiteracy (Mission)
==Tray Puns==
* Penetraytion (Mission)
* Defenestraytion
* Titraytion (Driscoll)
* Libertray, Egalitray, Fraternitray (Mission; also says Wilbur Sucks LI)
* Take the A-Tray
* Elizabeth Traylor (Driscoll)
* Traymate of the Year (Driscoll)
* Tray of eMission (Mission)
* Traytor to your Countray (Driscoll)
* Night Trayn (Mission)
* Lazy Suntray (Tray That Double Tray) (Driscoll) '''new'''
==Mysterious Drawings==
*A proof that temperatures exist below absolute zero using orbital diagrams (Driscoll)
*An illustration of a normal gaussian distribution (Driscoll)
*Some nonsense with a guy in a boat and an angel thing (Driscoll)*A pretty well-done and detailed sketch of some dude's face, similar in style, as [[Daniel Klein '06|Dan]] skillfully put it, to the drawings of Egon Schiele; further analysis has revealed it to be the work of [[Rachel S. Selinsky '06]] (Driscoll)
* Tray 3:16 (Mission)
*<math>e^({\pi)(i) }+ 1 = 0 </math> (Driscoll)* Mea mecum ludit virginitas (Driscoll; this tray presumably commemorates the Concert Choir's 2004 performance of Orff's ''Carmina Burana'')* Chuck Chuck / buh-Chuck / etc. / Fuck / etc. / Chuck! (Greylock)* Monkeypo (Driscoll)* GRUNDEL (Greylock; this tray suggests that the kind of person who wants to carve "Grundle" into a dining hall tray is also the kind of person who is too dumb to spell "Grundle" correctly.)
==Ideas for Carvings==
* Extray credit for puns
* Wilbur: Zuckerman's Traymous Pig (sucks)
* Et tu, Brutray? Then fall, Caesar salad.
* Tray the Earth Stood Still
* Auto-Traycheotomy
* My baby takes the morning trayn
* Early Gothic Traycery (with sketches)
* A sketch of the monster from Pumpkinhead 1
* The 6th Tray
* (I'm going off the rails on a) Crazy Trayn
* All aboard the Night Trayn
* Keep food off of the Traychea
* 40 trays and 40 bites
* On the 7th tray, Cod rested.
* The Tray After Tomorrow
* Independence Tray
* Tray? Fine by me.
==Sledding trays==
Trays that have been stolen and used as sleds often have shallow or deep grooves in the bottom, running parallel to the long axis of the tray. This is courtesy of the rocks buried underneath the snow that Williams students sled on. Rocks: not your ordinary tray carvers.