Green Up
Green Up is populated by very interesting people, including [[Colin Yee '06]], without whom the average [[SAT]] score would be significantly higher. [[Daniel Klein '06]] has also been observed on the premises in between visits to [[Your Mom]]. When in the vicinity, he can often be heard singing along to his own music, as can [[Joe McDonough '06]] who also specializes in singing overtones in the shower and whistling. [[Jono Dowse '06]] keeps up appearances of being a resident but spends the majority of his time running.
Lady residents of Green Up include, but are not limited to, [[Lucy Cox-Chapman '06]], [[Leah Weintraub '06]], [[Katie Lewkowicz '06]], [[Carolyn Reuman '06]] and , [[Christine Hunt '06]] and [[Miss 301 '06]]
[[Leah Weintraub '06]] posesses a superior mathematical intellect but no spelling ability, making her perfectly suited to Su Doku but a failure at crossword puzzles. [[Katie Lewkowicz '06]] seranades us on her guitar and has more energy for life than the rest of us all combined which is probably why she is the star of her own group.