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plus when they update; '''h''' means especially hilarious (at least to Jono). Ones not marked with '''h''' are not necessarily inferior though; often they are more focused on storytelling or just are incredibly well drawn. I don't read bad webcomics. Feel free to add your own faves here.
[http://www.whiteninjacomics.com/index.shtml White Ninja] ''TS'' '''h'''
[http://www.spamusement.com/ Spamusement!] ''MWF (recently more sporadically)'' '''h'''
[http://explodingdog.com/ explodingdog] ''occasional''
[http://www.toothpastefordinner.com/index.php toothpaste for dinner] ''daily'' '''h'''
[http://www.nataliedee.com/ natalie dee] ''daily''
[http://www.sinfest.net/ Sinfest] ''daily (when Tatsuya's on the ball)''
[http://www.questionablecontent.net/ Questionable Content] ''QC is my OC. weekdays''
[http://scarygoround.com/ Scary Go Round] ''weekdays''
[http://www.dieselsweeties.com/ Diesel Sweeties] ''weekdays''
[http://nothingnice.com/ Nothing Nice to Say] ''MWF, sort of''
[http://punksandnerds.com/ Punks and Nerds] ''MWF''
[http://biggercheese.com/ Bigger Than Cheeses] ''weekly; Mondays I guess'' '''h'''
[http://achewood.com/ Achewood] ''weekdays, basically''
[http://boasas.com/ Boy on a Stick and Slither] ''MWF''
[http://catandgirl.com/index.php Cat and Girl] ''TF'' '''h'''
[http://www.joeandmonkey.com/ Joe and Monkey] ''weekdays''
[http://www.somethingpositive.net/ Something Positive] ''approximately daily''
[http://www.housd.net/index.php Housd] ''daily''
[http://www.jimburgessdesign.com/comics/index.php Able and Baker] ''weekdays''
[http://www.drinkatwork.com/mediumlarge.html Medium Large] ''This is made by the same dude who writes Sally Forth. You won't believe it. weekdays'' '''h'''
[http://www.hingos.com/patches/] ''TWR''
[http://beaverandsteve.com/ Beaver and Steve] ''MF''
[http://www.wapsisquare.com/ Wapsi Square] ''weekdays''
[http://www.vipercomics.com/webComics/yht/default.asp You'll Have That] ''weekdays''
[http://www.niego.org/index.html Niego] ''MWF though it's suspending soon''
[http://www.robandelliot.cycomics.com/ Rob and Elliott] ''MF''
[http://www.hatesong.com/ Hate Song] ''Not for the faint of heart. MWF'' '''h'''
[http://www.indietits.com/ indietits] ''the BIRDS called tits, that is, what are you thinking. sporadic'' '''h'''
[http://www.digitalpimponline.com/ Digital PIMP online] ''a set of 5 weekly rotating comics. MWFN''
[http://www.coffeeachievers.net/ The Coffee Achievers] ''weekdays/sporadic''
[http://www.animalshaveproblemstoo.com/ Animals Have Problems Too] ''weekdays'' '''h'''
[http://www.frozenreality.co.uk/comic/bunny/ Bunny] ''daily''
[http://www.webcomicsnation.com/ray/un-awesome/series.php Un-Awesome] ''awesomely original style though. weekdays''
[http://www.butternutsquash.net/ butternutsquash] ''sporadic/Thursdays''
[http://www.martinsmisdirection.com/ Martin's Misdirection] ''sporadic''
[http://rts.lunistice.com/ return to sender] ''no longer updating''
[http://www.alessonislearned.com/ A Lesson Is Learned But The Damage Is Irreversible] ''supposedly MWF; more like SPORADIC''
[http://www.qwantz.com/ Dinosaur Comics] ''weekdays, I think'' '''h'''