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Trivia On-Air Guide

11,347 bytes added, 01:06, January 19, 2017
Song Matching
[[Category:How-To]]= Guide to Writing On=Guidelines for beginning question-Airs and Matching Songs to Them writing==
== On-Air Questions and Answers ==
It's a good idea to phrase an on-air question to encourage short answers.
You do NOT need to have a realm, subrealm, and song match on questions when you initially submit them. If you do, that's just great and peachy and wonderful – but if you don't, we can always add them later. Don't neglect to send a good question just because you can't think of a brilliant subrealm or something. Provide them if you have them, but don't worry about it if you don't. The question is really the point - the rest is just frosting.
You DO need to check your facts. Seriously. It's very not-cool to get into a contest and find that the reason no one is getting the answer is because the answer is wrong. Generally, checking facts for a question takes roughly 30 seconds, so it's worth the effort.
And finally, when you get a good on-air idea, write it down, write it down, write it down! People are always having great ideas and then forgetting them before they reach their email. That's sad. Don't do that.
-Laurie Brink, 2004
==Guidelines for slightly more advanced question-writing==
Here are two keys to making a good factoid into a good Trivia question:
1. Specificity.
QUESTION: A man in Europe found something weird in his house. What was it?
BETTER QUESTION: Last January, Pierre Duchamp returned from a shopping trip to find something highly unexpected in his kitchen. What was it?
It's not hard to figure that there are roughly 5 squintillion correct answers to the first question, and no way for a team to know which we want. The second, though, narrows the field enough that we can safely assume there's only one answer. This means that teams are far less likely to yell at us, which is good.
2. Comic timing.
QUESTION: Joe Schmoe holds the record for most raw giant squid eaten in one sitting. How many raw giant squid did he eat?
BETTER QUESTION: On March 27, Joe Schmoe set a new world record by eating 67 of these in 30 minutes. What did Joe Schmoe eat?
This one's simple - the most entertaining part of a question should almost always be the answer. Eating 67 squid is hardly more interesting than eating 52 squid or 74 squid, but eating 67 squid *is* more interesting than eating 67 cheeseburgers. ''Think of the answer as the "punchline" to your question, and organize it accordingly.'' After all, if you're going to wait the length of a song to hear an answer, you want it to be worth the wait.
-Laurie Brink, 2004
(Heh, I'd forgotten I was the person quoted here for this.)
A couple more brief, potentially useful tips:
* Write questions for themselves rather than as a way to achieve song-matches you want to make. That doesn't mean you can't have songs you want to find an excuse to play, but if you wouldn't ask a question if it didn't give you an excuse to play your favorite song, it probably isn't a very good question. Remember that if there really isn't a question it could possibly go with, you can always play your delightful song during the 2 AM break. (You can also make a point of trying to hunt down an interesting Trivial fact that could go with your song - for example, in the most recent contest, I really wanted to play a particular song that involved an astronaut. So I spent a few hours reading about the moon landing until I came across a piece of information that was interesting, funny, and not common knowledge. Bingo!)
* Having the team vote on questions is a good way to weed out the weaker ones and end up with a contest that you know a variety of people will find enjoyable. I have what I think is a pretty good system for this (which I think I may actually have stolen from Des Devlin, but I'm honestly not sure anymore) that I'm happy to share if people want it!
- an older, more decrepit Laurie Brink, 2017
== Song Lyrics and the FCC ==
'''Someone should review and revise this information as necessary, according either to FCC rules or having a DJ confirm these rules with WCFM.'''
Find out WCFM's regulations and procedures regarding obscenities in lyrics from the WCFM general manager. Songs with explicit lyrics will be limited to the wee hours of the morning, and should be preceded with warnings of inappropriate material by the DJs, so warn them in the schedule of songs and questions you give them. Typically, obscene lyrics are acceptable before 6 AM, so long as the standard obscenity-warning is played on air periodically.
Assuming you are no longer using WCFM for your broadcast (which, these days, you're probably not) these rules do not apply. It is, however, good form to try to avoid excessive obscenity in the first couple of hours of the contest, since older generations of Trivia players have been known to let their children join in the fun. Radio edits of most songs can be found online, and if not, it's very easy to go into Audacity and insert your own silence/bleep/humorous noise where the explicit lyrics would otherwise have been.
== Other DJ Duties ==
Because of WCFM's recently closer relationship with the FCC, DJs must ID their station hourly (?) and also provide regular weather reports during broadcast. Find out the rules for this as well, and consider reminding the DJs in your On-Airs sheet.
This, too, does not apply if you're not using WCFM.
== Song Length ==
Team Deine Mutter ist eine Geekenwehrmachtstaffel strove to keep all songs between 2 and 4.5 minutes long. The idea is not to have a song go on for too long but also make sure the teams have enough time to call in and make their guesses.
Many teams in recent years have opted to edit songs which are too long, to bring them within the recommended length guideline listed above. On rare occasions, teams have looped songs to make them long enough to use.
The "sweet spot" as far as song length is generally considered to be right around the 3-minute mark, but having some longer songs is perfectly fine. (You probably don't want to play the full-length version of "American Pie," though.) Any songs less than two minutes long should generally be accompanied with a warning to that effect when the question is read, so that teams know they have to hustle when getting you the answer.
== Song Matching ==
In general, a good song match gives oblique hints to the answer and may also relate, by song title or artist, to the topic or to the answer.
Also, given that Trivia goes on overnight, keep as many of the songs as you can perky and peppy. Save extra-peppy songs you don't have a good match for to have played play during the 42:00 a.m. break. ===The Perfect Williams Trivia Song===
==The Perfect Williams Trivia Song==Des Devlin, 2004:The perfect on-air song was released eight years ago. The perfecton-air song got a lot of radio airplay, and was all over MTV, too. Itpeaked in the Billboard Top 10. It's three minutes and five secondslong. Naturally, it's up-tempo, maybe even dancey. The group thatperforms it never had as big a hit again. If we're lucky, they had noother hits at all. Everybody playing Trivia used to hear the perfecton-air song three times a day, for 6 weeks, eight years ago, buthardly ever since then. The recording artist has a provocative bandname (or else the song title's unusual-- hey, why not both?) which canbe exploited to create a non-linear connection with a trivia question. This his connection ideally involves sex, mayhem, or smug superiority onthe part of the team asking the question.
To sum up: there is no perfect on-air song.
But, if you keep all the songs in the 2:30-3:40 range (editingmercilessly where required)....
....if you choose an eclectic mix of big bouncy hits, and nagginglyfamiliar obscurities....
....if you play 90+ songs that haven't been used in previous Trivia contests....
....if you emphasize music from the last decade, but make sure to spana wide range of eras.... ....if you keep the sound generally peppy, especially your first 10 songs and your last 30.... ....if you get a lot of teammates involved in nominating songs and matches, so that the whole contest isn't filtered through one set of ears.... ....if you really work hard, free associate, and don't give up looking until you have at least 20 truly witty matches, so that a question about doors doesn't always end up paired with a song by the Doors.... ....well, then people will STILL complain about the music. But Baby Jesus in Heaven will know you did a good job. --[[Des Devlin]], 2004 ===Matching Questions And Songs=== All of the examples in this section are from the January 2003 and January 2004 contests, ones in which I was a party to the music matching process. Please keep in mind that nothing in this section should be taken as gospel; however, these hints have been proven to work well, and are the minimum doses recommended by the FDA as part of a nutritional contest. Once in a while, when trying to match songs to questions, nothing beats inspiration from above:  Question: According to a recent study, how do herring communicate with each other underwater? Answer: Flatulence. Scientists call the fishies' system "FRTS"-- Fast Repetitive Tick Sounds.) Song: "Tiny Bubbles" by Don Ho  But, of course, it's rarely that easy. Song matching for Trivia is definitely an art. But it's also a science. One way to win the hearts and minds of Trivia players is to think of songs that use plays on words involving either the answer or (for less of a hint), the question: Question: As many websites will tell you, we're down to 155 days. For what? Answer: For the Olsen Twins to become legal. Song: "Let Me In" by the Sensations  Question: Uncombined alkali, carbonates and various mineral matter make up 0.56% of what product? Answer: Ivory Soap. Song: "No Scrubs" by TLC  Question: What was the biggest-selling album to be allowed to go out of print? Answer: Milli Vanilli's debut. Song: "Funkytown" by Lipps Inc.  Question: Doctors expressed concern in 1899 that a certain frenetic activity would "destroy the feminine organs of matrimonial necessity." What? Answer: Bicycling. Song: "Pop That Coochie" by 2 Live Crew  There's nothing wrong with the typical, yet good, "clue derived from the song/artist" match: Question: The town nearest the center of Utah is Levan. How did Levan, Utah get its name?  Answer: "Navel" spelled backwards. Song: "The Hardest Button to Button" by the White Stripes  Question: If you wanted to visit the pyramids of Malpighi, where would you go? Answer: Your kidneys. Song: "Stones" by Neil Diamond  One of the most hotly debated points about the Trivia song regards when to use easier songs. My opinion is that they should be used when: 1. The answer is a long, drawn out affair, perhaps with multiple parts, and there just wouldn't be time for a team to reasonably be expected to pay attention to the song as well; 2. The song match is too cute to pass up... Question: What TV series featured a series of six female impersonators during its 17-year run? Answer: "Lassie." Song: "The Bitch is Back" by Elton John  3. The song has something that matches the question SO strongly, there's no substitute that would work as well: Question: Hall of Fame NFL coach George Allen is known for developing the "nickel defense," as well as creating offseason training camps. However, another popular football tradition didn't work out as well for him. What happened in Allen's final game, when he was coaching Long Beach State? Answer: His players dumped a keg of Gatorade over his head. He contracted pneumonia, and died weeks later. Song: "Pour Some Sugar on Me" by Def Leppard  Of course, Parts 2 and 3 also work for obscure songs.. Question: There is a copy of the Koran at the "Mother of all Battles" mosque in Baghdad. What is unique about this particular holy book?  Answer: It is written in Saddam Hussein's blood. Song: "My Heart is an Open Book" by Carl Dobkins Jr. 
There's also much confusion as to how, specifically, one should match a song.Generally, a hint contained in the title is pretty safe.I would STRONGLY advise against using a song because a lyric in the song that is NOT the title contains a clue, UNLESS the lyric is repeated frequently enough that someone listening would associate the oft-repeated line with the hint that you are trying to convey .For example, if I had a question for which the answer was "a cobra", I would NOT use, say, "The End" by The Doors on the basis of the lyric "ride the snake", even though it is repeated once.("Crawling KingSnake", also by The Doors, would be fine if you keep really wanted to use The Doors). By the sound generally peppysame token, especially your first 10songs and your last is also inadvisable to make a "double jump" in logic - I would certainly NOT use yet another Doors song for the same snake question on the basis that "Jim Morrison was into snakes, so "L.A.Woman" is a good clue".
It's okay for your clue to not be blindingly obvious, especially for one-word answers.In most instances, it's no fun to be handed the answer...if you get Often a song that has a lot of teammates involved in nominating songs andmatches, so clue that the whole contest isn't filtered through one set requires a bit ofears....thinking is your best bet:
....if you really work hardQuestion: While Americans are notorious for not being able to carry a tune, free associate, and don't give up lookinguntil you have Dave Barry noticed that we all seem to be able to do at least 20 truly witty matches, so that a questionabout doors doesn't always end up paired with a song by the thing on key.What is it?
Answer: Chant "Airball" (in the key of F). Song: "Brick" by the Ben Folds 5  And, if you can combine that puzzler with bad taste, go for it: Question: According to Wayne Campbell, what should you do if you see a woman who is so pretty that it makes you want to hurl, and why? Answer: "Hurl. If you spew, and she comes back, she's yours. But if you blow chunks and she bolts, it was never meant to be, man." Song: "Let It Loose" by the Rolling Stones  Question: Between prank calls on Comedy Central's "Crank Yankers," the camera pans through the town of Yankerville, revealing weird signs and activities. One billboard advertises the All-Virgin Brothel. What is this fine establishment's slogan? Answer: "You Buy It, You Break It." Song: "Just a Gigolo" by Dick Hyman  And a clue embedded in the song or artist name that requires actual Trivia knowledge to get the needed hint is ALWAYS a good idea... Question: In 2002, the Swingline stapler company debuted the "Rio Red" model. What prompted this release? Answer: Demand from fans of the movie "Office Space".well(In recent years, then people will STILL complain Swingline had not offered a red stapler model.)  Song: "Grits Ain't Groceries" by Little Milton Another good goal to shoot for is the "double match", in which the song and/or artist contain TWO useful clues to the Trivia answer. These are tough to write, but rewarding when successful: Question: What was atypical about the musicopening credits for last year's "Daredevil"? Answer: They were in both English and Braille. Song: "Fingertips" by Stevie Wonder  Question: What is the unique literary accomplishment of the Star Trek novelization "The Brave and the Bold"? Answer: It includes characters from all 5 "Star Trek" TV series. Song: "Stay Together" by N.E.R.D.  And, once in a great while, a triple match may come along: Question: The Razzies have long been the anti-Oscars of the film industry, dishonoring the worst movies and stars of the year. But BabyWho are the only two Razzie winners to actually show up at the ceremony to collect their awards in person? Jesus Answer: Paul Verhoeven, Worst Director of 1995 for "Showgirls"; Tom Green, who won 4 Razzies in Heaven will 2001 for "Freddy Got Fingered." Song: "Come and Get It" by Badfinger  One good Trivia song category is that of songs that people know , but can't quite place. Songs that have been used recently that fit this criteria include "Are You Ready For This" by 2 Unlimited, which fits the bill because it's only played at EVERY arena event in the country; and this one, which was frequently played on a GAP commercial... Question: Other than their being fictional, what is the common link between the following characters: Lisa Simpson, Ellie Arroway from "Contact", Frasier Crane's son Frederick, and The Blue Power Ranger? Answer: They are all members of MENSA. Song: "Start the Commotion" by the Wiseguys  One final point: It doesn't matter HOW clever your song match turns out, if you can't GET the darn song! One way to avoid this is to back into the match, by thinking of a keyword from the question, and typing that word into the search engine of the (legal, of course) music resource that you are using. That way, you did actually have a good jobshot of finding that great, horrible, or otherwise suitable song that will help to make your contest one that people remember fondlyMatchfully yours,Steve Homer
=== Opinions Vary ===
Steve Homer, May 18, 2005:
<blockquote>"Including a "hint" to the answer in the song choice is a far, far cry from giving away the answer. The best hints are oblique, and preferably funny.<br>
Here's some examples of what I would consider "good" song matches, all from the Click Here contest:<br>
Question: Oh, baby! What's going to get 9 inches longer in 2004? <br>
Answer: The NCAA basketball 3-point shot. <br>
Song: "Beat Surrender" by the Jam<br>
Question: The town nearest the center of Utah is Levan. How did Levan, Utah get its name? <br>
Answer: "Navel" spelled backwards. <br>
Song: "The Hardest Button to Button" by the White Stripes <br>
Question: As many websites will tell you, we're down to 155 days. For what? <br>
Answer: For the Olsen Twins to become legal. <br>
Song: "Let Me In" by the Sensations <br>
Question: Uncombined alkali, carbonates and various mineral matter make up 0.56% of what product? <br>
Answer: Ivory Soap. <br>
Song: "No Scrubs" by TLC<br>
Question: According to a recent study, how do herring communicate with each other underwater? <br>
Answer: Flatulence. Scientists call the fishies' system "FRTS"-- Fast Repetitive Tick Sounds.) <br>
Song: "Tiny Bubbles" by Don Ho<br>
Question: According to Mensa, who is the smartest movie character ever? Who's second? <br>
Answer: Will Hunting; John Nash. <br>
Song: "I Dig Your Mind" by the Nervous Breakdowns <br>
Question: Hall of Fame NFL coach George Allen is known for developing the "nickel defense," as well as creating offseason training camps. However, another popular football tradition didn't work out as well for him. What happened in Allen's final game, when he was coaching Long Beach State? <br>
Answer: His players dumped a keg of Gatorade over his head. He contracted pneumonia, and died weeks later. <br>
Song: "Pour Some Sugar on Me" by Def Leppard<br>
Question: What is the unique literary accomplishment of the Star Trek novelization "The Brave and the Bold"? <br>
Answer: It includes characters from all 5 "Star Trek" TV series. <br>
Song: "Stay Together" by N.E.R.D.<br>
Question: Harmon Killebrew is the Jerry West of baseball.... or conversely, Jerry West is the Harmon Killebrew of the NBA. How so? <br>
Answer: They're the models for the silhouettes in their sports' respective logos. <br>
Song: "Shapes of Things" by the Yardbirds<br>
Question: What was atypical about the opening credits for last year's "Daredevil"? <br>
Answer: They were in both English and Braille. <br>
Song: "Fingertips" by Stevie Wonder"</blockquote>
Rachel, May 18, 2005:
Anonymous user