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Talk:A cappella

1,662 bytes added, June 25
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Awesome call on Fat Bottom Girls.--[[User:05jl|05jl]] 23:36, 10 April 2006 (EDT){{Talk page}}
== Secret Traditions ==
So, we tend to keep the whole "singing in" thing a secret - frosh are told they'll get an email. And I remember this being the case when I tried out for other groups as a freshman. Hence, I don't think it should be in here. Perhaps we could find a suitably sneaky compromise? Discuss. --06le
Laura is right. I remember how mad people got at Daniel when he basically gave it away during my callbacks. I think it's more fun as a surprise. -09sdr
Say, Landsman, is there a policy on Trade Secrets? --[[User:06emm|Evan]] 13:45, 11 April 2006 (EDT)
:You know full well there isn't. Do folks think we should have one?--[[User:05jl|05jl]] 16:54, 11 April 2006 (EDT)
Hey, crud, sorry folks. I had no idea "singing in" was a secret tradition . . . I never got a callback :-). Much as I love bethans, they've never been great secret-keepers, and I heard it through their grapevine. I almost included the song you guys sing. I guess this is what happens when an outsider writes an article. Much as I love free information, I have no desire for Willipedia to steal anyone's fun, and having some secret traditions is certainly good, clean fun.
So no we have to decide where to go from here. Right now, it's on the mainspace and the talk page. Yipes! From the mainspace, I think it's enough to just edit it out . . . no need to take it out of the edit history. But what do we do here?
Can Laura please do the revision? Or some other real a capella person? I'd like to leave it up to someone with real investment (not a tuneless [[crusty]] like me) to decide whether to change the subsection title "Induction" and make the text a teaser, or do we take it out entirely?
Thanks to all for using the talk page incredibly well.--[[User:05jl|05jl]] 16:54, 11 April 2006 (EDT)
== Delete Song Request Section? ==
Doubtful that Willipedia serves as a good platform for song recommendations. Seems largely outdated, in any case. [[User:Ahm2|Alex]] ([[User talk:Ahm2|talk]]) 10:25, June 25, 2024 (EDT)