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Revision as of 00:11, December 6, 2006 by 07djd (talk | contribs) (Benefits: the automatic lookup function)
This is what the PINE interface looks like.

PINE is a way of checking your e-mail using "command line" rather than a web browser. Highly popular, and the standard way for students to check their e-mail in the past, it has since decreased in usage and popularity. The last class to use PINE more than the web-based IMP was the Class of 2004.

How to use PINE


Go to Start | Run and type in telnet and hit Enter. Follow directions below.


Open the Terminal and type in telnet and hit Enter. Follow directions below.

All operating systems

It will prompt you for your username (07abc) and password (same as e-mail password), with Enter after each. Then it will say terpischore:unix: and you should type pine, and then Enter.

Now you will see a list of folders, and at the bottom, highlighted, it will ask you to re-enter your username (07abc, but it will actually tell you what your username is) and password. Then press I to see your inbox, and use arrows (right to see a message, left to return to inbox, up and down to scroll) and the letter commands listed at the bottom to navigate around your e-mail.

To exit pine, simply hit q and then y when it asks you if you want to quit.


  • When IMP and Webmail are down, pine is usually still up. Thus, you can check your e-mail when everyone who doesn't know about pine can't.
  • You don't have to know very much about a person's name to send them an e-mail. You can just put "Sam" and it will turn up all the Williams people with "Sam" in their name (Samuels, Samanthas, etc.). If you put in someone's Unix ID, it will come out with their full name and full e-mail address. For example, if you put in 07fml, it will turn that into "First M Last" <>. This is extremely useful.


  • It's much harder (and 'much harder' here means pretty much impossible) to attach and view attachments using command line.
  • You can't copy and paste.
  • You can't use the mouse for anything.
  • It beeps a lot (like when you get to the bottom of the inbox and are still holding down the down arrow) which is kind of annoying.


The response when I type pine is Terminal type "xterm-color", is unknown.

In Terminal, go to Preferences. Click on the Declare terminal type ($TERM) pop-up menu to change to vt100.