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Chinese-American Student Organization

Revision as of 22:12, March 16, 2010 by Fak1 (talk | contribs)

CASO (Chinese-American Student Organization) is committed to promoting Chinese culture and addressing Chinese-American issues. Everyone is welcome to join. Major campus-wide events in the past have included Moon Festival (fall), Chinese New Year (spring), and Night Market (Asian American Heritage Month). There are also various activities - dumpling making, sushi rolling, trips, movie nights, etc. - throughout the year geared more towards members. Meeting are usually held over dinner and attended by both the board and general members.

2009-2010 CASO Board

Co-Chairs: Tasha "the Destroyer" Chu '11 and Lily Wong '12

Treasurer: Laura Dos Reis '12 (F), Danny Guo '13 (S)

Secretary: Seohee Kim '11

MinCo Rep: Yiqin Jiang '13

AASiA Rep: Cecilia Ho '13

Publicity: Yu Rim Rebecca Chung '11 (F), Shirl Yang (S)

Historian: Nancy M. Dong '11 (F), Haotian Xu (S)

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