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Course equivalent units

Revision as of 19:50, November 10, 2005 by (talk)

It is widely recognized that how busy one is does not scale linearly with the number of courses one is taking.

When reporting the number of courses you are taking the following rules apply:

  • Relationships count as one course equivalent unit
  • MMORPGs count as one course equivalent unit
  • Sports teams count as one course equivalent unit
  • No matter how easy a class is, it still counts as one course equivalent unit; you're still doing work
  • It is considered bad form to count hard classes as more than one course equivalent unit
  • Performance groups with more than 5 hours of rehearsal time per week count as one course equivalent unit
  • Extremely demanding labs count as one course equivalent unit
  • Prolonged sicknesses, such as mono, count as one course equivalent unit for the duration of the sickness
  • Being a JA counts as one course equivalent unit
  • Serious drug addiction counts as one course equivalent unit