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Davis self nom

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My name is Newton Davis, a freshman here at Williams College, and I am running to be the Class of 2012 representative. I hope to continue to bring accurate depictions of the student’s wants and needs to the council. This campus holds a special place in my heart, and I want to continue to help it in every possible way.

I served on College Council last semester as the Sage Hall representative and I have seen what it takes to be an effective member of the council. As a member, I served on the Co-sponsorship, General Fund, and Sophomore Orientation Committees as well as serving as the college liaison to Mass MOCA and a number of student groups on campus. As a member of both the Co-Sponsorship and the General fund committees, I have assisted the treasurer in allocating money to student groups, and as the liaison to Mass MOCA, and student groups on campus, I was responsible for ensuring that communication between organizations was upheld.

In serving as the 2012 representative, I hope to open a line of communication between the students, faculty, and staff of Williams to ensure that together we continually improve this already great institution. There is no doubt that there exists a large number of issues that need to be tackled such as dining services reformation, the neighborhood system, and academic advising, but these are not things that can be accomplished in a semester, or even a year. That is why you need dedicated people on College Council that will continue to push these issues with the administration until we see results. I am ready to take on that challenge.

I am proud to represent Sage Hall, but would be even prouder to represent the great class of 2012 in College Council. I am dedicated to improving this campus and ensuring that your voice is heard. I hope that you will consider my former experience with CC and my enthusiasm to get work done, and elect me, Newton Davis, as Class of 2012 representative.