

Driscoll Deviations

1,144 bytes added, 14:41, October 12, 2005
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The [[Deviants]] still maintain a listserver which is used to organize entertaining and odd activities on campus, and Driscoll Deviations, though less common than in years past, occur one or two times per semester. Recent deviations include the Thrift Store/Back-of-the-wardrobe deviation on 9/24/2005, and the Gods and Goddesses Deviation in Spring 2005.
The Deviants emerged in 2002 although enjoyed the height of their mischief in 2003. Prior Williams generations of people who enjoyed doing things that were off the beaten path had, until then, asssociated themselves with WARP and used their listserve as primary means of communication. With the graduation of the class of 2002, in 2003 WARP took on a heavier role playing, duct-tape sword, video gaming identity. Out of a desire to participate in quirky, fun events but not necessarily under the WARP banner, Deviants. The odd quad then took on a split identity as deviants "deviated" from WARP and became accepted by the campus as a group of fun loving students who sometimes wore a toga to dinner.
Other events by the group included Storytime, as read from the balcony window of Currier Ballroom or in the basement, co-ed naked snowball fights, murder mystery parties, movie screeinings (The Secret of the Sock Monkey, namely) and other dress up events.
With the co-founders having graduated in 2003 and 2004, deviants lives on in the hands of the new generation of Williams students, perhaps waiting to take on a new meaning of its own.
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