

Hammock spots

279 bytes added, 17:15, April 9, 2006
added odd quad firs
Hammocks are wonderful, portable, outdoor couches. They can be bought for as little as $15 at outdoors stores. A good hammock spot is often sunny, with smaller, sturdy trees about 8-10 feet apart, set back a bit from a path so people don't bother you too much.
'''Frosh == Berkshire Quad'''==
The Hammocking has been achieved between the fir trees and the fence at in the western edge northeast corner of the [[odd quad]]. Not as quiet as some places, thanks to closeness to [[Route 2]], near but the grills, firs overhead are perfectly spaced for a hammock. Probably the most consistently sunny spot, especially in lovely and you can't beat the afternooncompany.
'''Mission Park'''== Dodd Quad ==
There are is a number tree on the [[Lehman]] side of trees near the Haystack Monument (especially on the [[Dodd side) Quad]] that are suitable. Sometimes will take a bit shady for early- or late-season hammockinghammock set up within its branches, instead of between two trees.
'''Sawyer Lawn'''== Frosh Quad ==
A few The trees can be made to work over by and the fence at the Congregational Church. The trees western edge of the [[frosh quad]], near the grills, are perfectly spaced for a little too thickhammock. Probably the most consistently sunny spot, and it loses sun especially in the afternoon.
'''Dodd Quad'''== Mission Park ==
There is are a tree number of trees near the [[Haystack Monument]] (especially on the Lehman [[Dodd]] side of teh Dodd Quad ) that will take are suitable. Sometimes a hammock set up within its branchesbit shady for early- or late-season hammocking. == Sawyer Lawn == A few trees can be made to work over by the [[Congregational Church]]. The trees are a little too thick, instead of between two treesand it loses sun in the afternoon.