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Peer Health

Peer Health is a student-run organization at Williams College that promotes the everyday health of Williams students. Our mission is to make students happier and healthier. We meet every Tuesday at 7PM in Paresky 212. Feel free to come by anytime!

Peer Health provides FREE health supplies in upstairs Paresky 212, including condoms, tampons, pads, tissues, Emergen-C, lotion, lube, sleep masks, candy, stress balls, and more! Peer Health also sells brand-name condoms such as Trojan Ultra-Thin, Ribbed, Ecstasy, etc 5 for $1.

Peer Health also offers a free, confidential Call-In/Walk-In (CIWI) service every Sunday-Thursday 7-9PM in our office, Paresky 212. Our peer listeners are trained in topics such as eating disorders, drugs and alcohol, sexual assault, women's and men's health, sex and sexuality, pregnancy options, sexually transmitted diseases, and stress. Peer Listeners are also trained in active listening, and are there for you to vent to even if it's not a serious issue.

Fall 2019 Board Members:

—Lauren Fossel (lvf1) ‘22: Social Media Co-Cordinator —

Office: Paresky 212, in the cozy corner past the WOC office and bathrooms

Phone Number: (413) 597-3140

Email: <email></email>