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Queer Student Union

37 bytes added, 06:22, May 20, 2010
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'''Two-spirit:''' A Native American person who embodies both masculine and feminine genders; Native Americans who are queer or transgender may self-identify as two-spirit. Historically, different tribes have specific titles for different kinds of two-spirit people.
'' '''Transgender/Transexual Medical References''' ''<BR>
'''Pre-op:''' Term used within some transgender circles to describe individuals who have not undergone and surgical changes to their bodies.
'''Facial Feminization:''' Various procedures that are done to change the shape of their face to make it more feminine.
'''Bottom Surgery:''' Typically refers to when a person is having their genitalia reconstructed to fit the sex they seek to identify with.<BR>''Penectomy'' – Removal of the penis, where the shaft of the penis is used to create the neo vagina<BR>''Phalloplasty'' – Construction of a penis typically using skin from ones forearm<BR>''Vaginectomy'' – the closing of the vaginal opening from the bottom and opening from the top internally<BR>''Metoidioplasty'' – Releasing of an enlarged clitoris so that it resembles a penis<BR>''Labiaplasty'' – Typically done for MTFs when they use the scrotum to construct a new labia<BR>''Hysterectomy'' – removal of uterus (some states require people to have this procedure in order to legally transition)<BR>''Opherectomy'' – removal of the ovaries<BR>
''Scrotoplasty'' – construction of the scrotum using labia