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Rugby Football Club

Revision as of 18:37, March 3, 2006 by 08ntg (talk | contribs)

The WRFC was founded in 1509 when the Spanish Conquistadors discovered the Aztec settlement we now call Williamstown.

Throughout their long history, the Rugby team has had the distinction of being perhaps the only club at williams where 95% of the team had no experience with the game before coming to school.

Playing two a year, fall and spring, each season culminates in a historic game against amherst, where every player by default bets his jersey against his opposite. The winner of course earns the opposite jersey as a trophy.

Practices are held 3 days a week on the pitch in cole field, Tuesday-Thursday from 4-6 pm. There is often a team run on mondays at 4:30, and games are held down on the pitch on saturdays.

The Rugby Team's motto is "Nihil in Moderato" which in Aztec means "nothing in moderato"

The Spring 2006 Schedule looks like this:
April 8 @ Trinity
April 15 @ Home - JD Tournament (Middlebury, BU, UVM)
April 22
April 29 @ Vassar
May 6 @ Amherst