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Undeadly Ten

32 bytes added, 23:44, May 16, 2006
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A list of ten people on campus that you all should know. These are real Williams Intitutions. The way [[Baxter ]] was before they knocked it down.
If you don't know at least one, you're probably on the deadly ten. Or dead.
1.) [[Evan Miller]]. The MOST facebooked person of anyone on campus. Seriously. Double the number of Facebook hits then anyone else on campus. And that's for shizzle.
2.) [[Ben Rudick]]. If he hasn't taken your photo without your permission, then you haven't spotted him hiding in the bushes underneath your window. Or you may just be that unattractive.
3.) [[Sean Carollo]]. The kid with the cape. And the hat. And the walking staff. And the magic powers.
4.) [[Morgan Goodwin]]. Probably drafting a college council response to this post as we type.
5.) [[Marita]]. Head of the [[QSU]]. Don't make her kick your ass in a leather bustier and fish nets.
6.) [[Toni Kraeva]]. She was on the committee that chaired this list. Go '09's.