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364 bytes added, 16:25, January 8, 2007
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! title||author||rating (1-10) or review
|A History of God||Karen Armstrong
|Second Foundation||Isaac Asimov
|The World Crisis: 1911-1918||Sir Winston Churchill
|Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell||Susanna Clarke
|State of Fear||Michael Crichton
|Cryptonomicon||Neal Stephenson||I like this book so much that I am reading only a few chapters a night so that it will last as long as possible. ([ 07djd])
|Quicksilver||Neal Stephenson||I recommend this entire trilogy (Quicksilver is the first, The Confusion is the second and in my opinion best, and The System of the World is third). They were by far the most fun books I read in 2006, with some interesting background in European history thrown in. (07elb)
|A Confederacy of Dunces||John Kennedy Toole