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Undeadly Ten

99 bytes added, 22:52, May 9, 2007
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6.) [[Rahul Shah]]. On the blogs, he's like lawyers in hell: everywhere. Suffering from a severe case of logorrhea, you know him, even if it's just by that warped ostrich head. He's also incapable of
a) using the preferred spelling/punctuation of his friends' names.
b) knowing who whom to trust.c) knowing who whom not to cross, especially when they're Deadly.He does, however, know the difference between 'who' and 'whom', unlike a certain unnamed friend.
7.) [[Liz Hirschhorn]]. Her real name should be BooBoo/Manatee! [To those of you who wish to sign a petition requiring her to make that first name change legal, contact [ Cat Vielma]. You may see her playing volleyball, jv bball, or rucking for 80 minutes in 15 positions, but most importantly she's an ASL (american sign language) allstar. Awwwwwkward. I met her. Then I didn't die. I saw Liz Hirschhorn wearing army pants and flipflops, so I bought army pants and flipflops. (Proven true on the evening of May 18th, 2006 at Schow Atrium). Once killed a homeless person just to get an erection. FOREVER IN BLUE JEANSSS and by blue jeansss I mean grey sweats, with lots of holes