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Hard classes

880 bytes added, 22:15, November 13, 2007
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The class is MUCH more difficult and MUCH more time consuming when taken with Professor Thomas E. Smith (who incidentally has the initials TES...which would mean something to you if you took this course).
===History 134===
This class is possibly one of the hardest tutorials to get into. Why would so many people want to subject themselves to the insane workload it entails? Because Prof. Wood is the coolest person in the world. Thats why.
Approximately 200-300 pages of reading each week, and a 7 page paper every fortnight. Worst is the fear imparted in your brain when Prof. Wood gives you NO INDICATION OR GRADE whatsoever of your performance, leading you to expect anything from a C+ to an A- in your final grade. If you're cool with that, you will learn to argue very well. You have to be self motivated though, as if your analysis in tutorial is crappy, he won't be too upset. But even if you think you have the most amazing idea, or essay, or critique in the world, he will throw a metaphorical bucket of cold water on your face with a well-aimed question.
Loads of fun.
===Greek 101-102===