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Ted Wiles

39 bytes added, 23:59, December 10, 2007
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If Theodore S. Roosevelt Wiles emerges from his burrow on Theodore S. Roosevelt Wiles Day and fails to see his shadow because the weather is cloudy, winter will soon end. If he sees his shadow, he will return into his burrow, and the winter will continue for 6 more weeks. Theodore is known as an outlier Wiles as he usually has a reaction contrary to those of his cousins, among whom are the famous weather-predicting French Creek Freddie Wiles, Punxsutawney Phil Wiles, and General Beauregard Lee Wiles.
In ninety-hundred and forty two, Ted.
Known Aliases: Ted, The Ted, Teddy, Mr. Ted, Sam Bowie, T. Fagles, T. Feagles, Horsepiss Wiles, Steve Perry, Dumptruck, Dumptruck Wiles