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Ted Wiles

784 bytes added, 22:30, December 12, 2007
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In nineteen hundred and forty two, Ted.
Theodore's brand of TV includes sheer cliff climbs, wading massive rapids, and even wrapping his urine-soaked t-shirt around his head to help stave off the desert heat. Ted has eaten snakes, eaten raw fish with the comment "I love sushi!", rubbed ice on his body to warm up after jumping into an icy lake, squeezed elephant dung into his mouth for water, ripped raw chunks of meat off a dead zebra with his teeth, drank his own urine, and spent hours constructing a bamboo bridge in attempt to cross a river. Intermittently, Dumptruck Wiles also regales the viewer with tales of other adventurers stranded in the wilderness. These stories inevitably end in one of two ways: someone gets "lucky" and survives or someone struggles to remain alive for weeks on end but eventually dies.
Known Aliases: Ted, The Ted, Teddy, Mr. Ted, Sam Bowie, T. Fagles, T. Feagles, Horsepiss Wiles, Steve Perry, Dumptruck, Dumptruck Wiles