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Argentine Tango

755 bytes added, 21:17, December 17, 2007
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Ever heard the song Los Vino by Otros Aires? Probably not.
Promiscuous Girl by
Nelly Furtado and Timbaland? Thought so. Wouldn't it be awesome if
you could *tango* to it? The Argentine Tango club will be teaching classes this
study, and everyone is invited. One of the many beauties of Tango is
that it's an
improvisational dance. We teach you an array of moves, and the leader
can put
them together however they like. Even better is the follower
position, who gets
to be surprised at whatever combination of moves they are lead into.
So come
join us this winter study and learn some moves to bust out on the
dance floor.

No partner required, and the lessons are free!

E-mail Marco at if you have any questions.