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A Perfect Blend
Located down Spring Street next to Subway (where the old coffee shop was). It is half coffee shop, half art framing shop. It has a great atmosphere and excited owner. It just opened fully on October 27, 2006 so not much is known about it, but despite the $8 sandwiches, so far the coffee is tasty and the seats in front of the window are great for people watching.
Unlike Tunnel City, there isn't much light at APB has more ambience than TC with the tables away from the window. Not consequence of not having very good for doing hours of reading..., but the deliciousness of the organic French Roast (and their pumpkin muffins!) make it worth the visit.
Also unlike Tunnel City, A Perfect Blend suffered the same firey fate as Subway and the Pub. Failing business + "electrical" fire in the basement at 4 AM... do the math.
== EcoCafe ==