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Students with language skills

201 bytes added, 00:08, May 5, 2008
Douglas Washington '08: Eu tambam falo um poucinho. Ficava em Belem do Para para uma semestre. Foi bem legal e quero voltar no futuro.
[[Laurie Brink]] knows just enough to sing the entirety of "Dragostea din Tei" (a.k.a. the Numa Numa song).
[[Andana Streng]] Born in Romania but speaking a funky kind of Romanian called "ardeleneste" which I mix with English when I'm really tired. And no, I don't like "Dragostea din tei".
[[Andrei Baiu]] Born in Bucharest, Romania. I still speak it home. I also hate it when I see "Romanian" spelled "Rumanian"..... I have nothing against O-zone. Especially Numai Tu, another great song.