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My Dad

388 bytes added, 22:13, May 18, 2008
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Hentai? My Dad is above that. In fact, he has, for several years now, been above even seeing my immediate family, dealing with us in brief notes that get passed through various secretarial hands before reaching us. He's just that busy. How would your Dad feel if he were...if you were to...I mean, if you never got to see him, your own dear father...not even Little League games, he never even came, even on your know, I guess I feel pretty terrible.
Busy and neglectful? Weak. My dad refuses to use a car, so he's the buffest 50 year old you'll ever meet. He also has to take occasional trips for work, so we never see him because he's riding 100 miles a day to and from Oregon. Before my dad, people never saw a bicycle traveling faster than their car on the highway. My dad is also a champion kick-boxer; it comes from all the riding.