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19 bytes added, 15:34, December 22, 2015
Senior Solos
Since around 2009, GQ has taken to recording the spring solos of the senior class every year, and these have formed a collection rather than an album of true gems. This era marked what Ryann Leona Tookes would refer to as "GQ's entrance into the mainstream." Not to fear though -- although we were singing Justin Bieber and making grown women and men swoon (both thanks to Kilo V Martin), we remained the weird lovable nerds we have always been.
These songs were recorded over 5 years, under a variety of conditions: in 2010, during a snowstorm in Malex's New Hampshire bedroom (?); in 2011, at a studio in New York (the setting of the ill-fated "We lost Doug!" hoax, and a guest appearance by Darryl Tookes); in 2012 and 2013, at a studio in Albany; and in 2014, in Brooks Rogers Recital Hall in the Bernhard Music Center.
(Hannah Wang '13)
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