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398 bytes added, 15:31, October 6, 2023
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WARP (the Williams Association of Role-Players) is a club dedicated to roleplaying and similar [[Odd quad | Odd Quad]]-type activities. The club is noted for its laissez-faire organization; traditionally WARP only held one meeting, at the beginning of the year, and thereafter organized through its [[listserver]] in smaller groups. (If it sounds fragmented and chaotic, that's because it is.) Although roleplaying is a primary focus of WARP, it has historically coordinated a variety of related activities. Among them are [[bopswording]], Laser Tag, board games, and card games. In the 2008-2009 year, WARP held free movie showings in Paresky on the weekends. Historically, WARP has organized outings to conventions including [[NonCon]] (circa 2008) and PAX East (in 2015 and 2016). WARP also runs [[Humans vs. Zombies]] during the fall semester and [[KAOS]] during Winter Study.
In recent years, WARP has gained a more structured organization, with the club hosting a meeting every Saturday night at 7:00pm. Anyone is welcome to join and play a variety of board games, with [[Avalon]] typically starting off the night in the 2023-2024 school year. The club owns a large volume of board games, which members can sign out for individual games when the club is not in session.
== '''Early History''' ==