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Stuff the CUL should do

Revision as of 04:27, October 24, 2005 by (talk)

Could somebody who knows how to fix things change "definately" to DEFINITELY. It's a shame to see it spelt incorrectly. Thanks.

This is what the CUL is doing.

Stuff it should do. This will all be taken into consideration. Right now the most valuable things are ideas. please edit....

  • Not be so fixated on Anchor housing that it can't consider other, for example, that the majority of students on campus don't like the idea of anchors.
  • Decrease the number of clusters to four
    • . . . and make those clusters Prospect House, Greylock Quad, Mission, and Dodd Quad, into which all students with liberty at their pick number will be free to pick into, or not. All other buildings on campus will remain officially unaffiliated, but free to participate what cluster activities the cluster residents and leaders wish to open to them.
      • ... Once a year, we can raid the non-Clusterite dorms and pillage their rooms, stealing their young for the random cluster-related odd job, such as clipping my toenails while I read...
  • Realize that they are the committee on UNDERGRADUATE life and take the opinions, needs, and desires of that constituancy as their guiding light, rather than appeasement of the administration and perpetuation of their own position.