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The Gulielmensian

Revision as of 10:23, March 15, 2006 by 06car (talk | contribs) (Portraits)

The Williams College yearbook, whose name allegedly means "Williams Thing". It is published during any year in which the editors are organized enough to do it.

Carolyn Reuman '06 is the current editor-in-chief, and she promises that she is organized enough to do it. She also requests that you submit any pictures that you would like to see in this year's book to photo editor Mary Beth Anzovino '06 (06mea), so that the book does not consist solely of pictures of her friends (as much as she loves them all).


Seniors should select which portrait they want in the 2006 book BY MARCH 31st, 2006, by going to Enter school code 260, school year 06, and the sitting number that was mailed home on your hard copy proofs (you can also get this number by calling DaVor Photography at 800.724.1916 or by emailing during business hours 8:30 am -7:30 pm).

It is important that you select your pose and navigate through the entire site and CHECK OUT to be sure your pose is registered. If a selection is not made, one will be made on your behalf.

Older Books

Class of 2005: the 2005 book has a current ship date of December 3. We will have a limited number of extra books; if you would like to order one, send a check for $80, made out to the 2005 Gulielmensian, to:
Building #7
SU 2499
Williamstown, MA 01267

2004 books ($70) and 2003 books ($50) can also be ordered by sending a check to the above address.

Past Editors

  • Mike Silverstein '05
  • Melissa Umezaki '04
  • Jason Davis '05

(Carolyn would furthermore like to request that someone more Wiki-literate would edit this page with links and such.)