Useful things to have on-hand when you are playing Trivia

Revision as of 21:42, January 24, 2007 by 07djd (talk | contribs) (advice)

In the old days, teams hauled boxes of stuff to their Trivia Central locations: reference books, comic book compilations, Action Trivia prop and costume elements. For some years, the team which successfully negotiated with Hal at Toonerville Trolley to borrow his enormous compendium of all the records ever printed almost inevitably won, because they could look up songs while the songs were on-air.

In the age of the internet, much less stuff is necessary.

You may still find the following useful, though:

  • A radio with which to listen to WCFM (if you are local), or a computer configured to handle streaming audio
  • Props and costume bits for Action Trivias
  • Junk food to snack on all night
  • A telephone
  • A CD player separate from whatever device is playing the radio broadcast
  • Pencils for you and your teammates
  • 'Net access

If you choose to eschew the internet, which some folks do, then by all means collect piles of reference books, and pat yourself on the back for kicking it old-school.