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Original researcher of how to get a van license, fellowships and other cool opportunities, Trail Mix, Sentinels of the Republic, pop machines on campus, skiing, coffee, Internships, Cheap Ski Opportunities, and how to register to vote, among other things. President of the Lehman Community Service Council and founder of the Mexico City Internship Program. Blogs here and has a web site here.

Places Alan has lived: <googlemap width="450" height="300" zoom="1" type="hybrid" controls="medium"> 42.71474,-73.205037,(Williams F206, 2002-2003) 38.894264,-76.998925,(Washington, DC, Summer 2003) 42.716687,-73.203353,(Pratt 405, 2003-2004) 19.437487,-99.148291,(Mexico City, Summer 2004) 42.710515,-73.202323,(Prospect, 2004-2005) 37.163856,-3.594203,(Granada, Spain, Winter Study 2005) 42.874014,74.607811,(Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan, June-July 2005) 38.570448,68.79673,(Dushanbe, Tajikistan, July-August 2005) 47.924798,106.919203,(Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia, August 2005) 42.710404,-73.207043,(Lambert House, 2005-2006) </googlemap>