

WSO web development

13 bytes added, 10:27, November 30, 2006
no edit summary
==Check out the code==
Once you've logged in with SSH, you're ready to check out your very own copy of the WSO code. In your home directory, or wherever you'd like to keep your copy of the WSO site, create run the following command to use Subversion to check out the code. (Don't forget the dot at the end!) This will spew a directory called whole log of output onto your screen, listing all the files it's checking out. You can replace "wso-devel (or anything " with whatever name you'd like) and move into it with want for your local copy of the following commandscode.
mkdir svn co file:///var/svn/wso wso-devel Now change directory into the code directory:
cd wso-devel
Now, run the following command to use Subversion to check out the code. (Don't forget the dot at the end!) This will spew a whole log of output onto your screen, listing all the files it's checking out.  svn co file:///var/svn/wso . We need to create a log file for your site so it doesn't complain directly to you. Run the following command.
touch log/development.log
==Start the server==
But first you need your own personal port to run it on. Find this by running the following command. You'll want to same save the output of this for future reference.
expr 50000 + $UID
To start the server run the following commandin the wso-devel directory, replacing your_port with the number we generated above.
/opt/local/bin/ruby script/server -p your_port