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You knew it had to happen. And now it's here. Yes, it's time for the M*A*S*H bonus. We have for your trivial pleasure three questions from the movie (which you've probably all seen at least twice) and seven questions from the TV show (which is on three times a day in this area, except for Mondays when it's on four times).

From the movie M*A*S*H:

  1. When Trapper first enters Hawkeye's tent, he has with him an unusual item. Hawkeye can hardly believe it. What is that item?

  2. With what line does trapper recommend the black capsule to Painless?

  3. How did Hawkeye realize that he knew Trapper from before the war?

From the TV show M*A*S*H:

  1. When Trapper leaves M*A*S*H, Hawkeye misses saying goodbye. Trapper leaves something with Radar to give to Hawkeye. What is it?

  2. What food did Hawkeye send to the states for, and where did it come from?

  3. Why was Charles Winchester the 3rd transferred to M*A*S*H?

  4. What is the name of the visiting poker-playing psychiatrist?

  5. What is Hawkeye's definition of a McArthur doll?

  6. What is Hot Lips' perfume?

  7. What does the sign in front of the camp say? (Not the road sign depicting the miles to various places around the world.)