[The Society of the Griffins] Meeting Tomorrow @7pm in Jenness

Say Say Rivers sjr4 at williams.edu
Sat Oct 19 19:02:41 EDT 2019

Evening Fellas,

We hope all is well and apologize for the last minute nature of this; however, being that it has been some time since our first meeting, we are planning to have a meeting tomorrow night in Jenness at 7pm. We hope this time is more agreeable with everyone’s schedule – as most of us (myself included) are still recovering at 1pm in the afternoon on a Sunday. 

During this meeting, we can plan for when we should meet again and potentially what food to order as well. Additionally, thanks to those who attended the Joker screening. If you guys have any other movies that you are interested in and would like to go to, we can organize a trip to view those as well. Moreover, we will gauge interest in open board positions and discuss potential events people would have interest in doing and sponsoring as a group such as a basketball tournament, March madness, or a campus triathlon for example. We hope to see a good turn out tomorrow. If all goes according to plan, we can also order food and stream the game. If you see RJ out tonight, please make sure he is alive and ok.


Say Say, RJ, and Sean

S.Justin Rivers

Williams College ‘21
Deerfield Academy ‘17
School Year Abroad France ‘16

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